King's Business - 1922-04


THE K I N G ’ S B U S I NE S S “Best” Books To Loan Among Your Friends NON-MILLENNNALISM and PRE-MILLENNNALISM, Which Harmonizes the Word ? Post-Millennialists are rapidly changing to non-millennialists, in the effort to avoid conflict with Scripture. This booklet shows that" only pre-millennialism— believing the Word as written— can give a harmonious view of the Scriptures. Scripture with logic is introduced which reasonably cannot be refuted. Very' con­ vincing to the open heart. Price 25c UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRIST­ IANITY, AND WHAT ITS TEACHINGS REVEAL By C. E. Putnam An effective exposure of a subtle false gospel. The Sword of the Spirit ably wielded against this false cult called “ Unity** and “ The Liveable School of Christianity.** Two colored cover. Price 25c THE LURE OF THE LEOPARD SKIN By Josephine H. Westervelt A stirring story of adventure centered around experiences of a young American who goes into Africa chiefly in search of adventure. This he finds in good measure and something else besides. He has en­ counters with wild aliimals— ha« narrow escapes from death and tropical diseases— and, best of all, while in the wilds he comes upon a mission station and through daily contact with the missionaries he come« to know their Saviour and becomes imbued with their spirit. A delightful romance is interwoven which holds the reader’s at­ tention from beginning to end. Cloth, $1.75 If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage unless otherwise specified. Unless cash accompanies order, goods will be sent C. O. D. BIBLE INSTITUTE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Los Angeles, Calif.

“Best” Books To Loan Among Friends THE MENACE OF IMMORALITY IN CHURCH AND STATE By Rev. John R. Straton, D. D. Is America being destroyed like An ­ cient Greece and Rome by Immorality? is the startling question raised by Dr. Stratton, in these sermons of wrath and judgment. Price $1.75 THE NUMBER OF MAN, OR, THE CLIMAX OF CIVILIZATION By Philip Mauro A startling arraignment of the man­ made conditions which are combining their influence in these latter days to de­ stroy Christianity. The author makes a careful study of the human influences, ma­ terial and intellectual, and of false reli­ gions, which aim to neutralize and de­ stroy the power of the Gospel of Christ. Price, Cloth, $1.50 WHY I AM A CHRISTIAN By Dr. A. C. Dixon This is one of the most helpful books that it has ever been our privilege to read. It is not only helpful to the Christian him­ self in clarifying his own thinking, but we believe it will be most helpful to put into the hands of the unsaved. Dr. Dixon, in the foreword says, “ I give the line of thought which led me out of doubt into clear light of faith; and I pray God that it may be used of Him to lead others in the same way.** Price 50c THE MAN INSIDE, A STUDY OF ONESELF By Dr. Cortland Myers, D. D. A four-fold study of the inner life of a man, in which the author discusses the forces that make him, lift him, save him, and move him. This book is prepared in a bright, interesting manner, and abund­ antly furnished \yith suitable and forceful illustrations. Price 50c If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage unless otherwise specified. Unless cash accompanies order, goods will be sent C. O. D. BIBLE INSTITUTE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Los Angeles, Calif.

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