King's Business - 1922-04


Important Books for Church Workers

NEW LIFE FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE CLASS By Henrietta Heron This book is the outcome of careful thought and ex­ perience. The author takes up every phase, of class work, and the plans she suggests, if carried out, are bound to put new life into any class. Price 75c THE WORKERS' CONFERENCE By Henrietta Heron The workers* conference has become an esssential factor in the present up- to-date Bible school. The purpose of this book is to energize the conference, and, through it, to generate enthusiasm and good work among the various classes. Price 75c MORE RELIGIOUS LIBERALISM By John Horsch A remarkable book. It should be on the table of every honest preacher and teacher - in the land. It should be in the hands of every loyal layman. It is not an exposition of Scrip­ ture, but an exposure of the fallacies and fancies of the Modernists, g i v i n g quotations of their own works. If you stand by the OLD BOOK, be sure and get this book. Price $1.75 ONE HUNDRED PRAYER-MEETING TALKS AND PLANS Compiled by Fred Barton This is, so far as we know, the most complete volume published on the midweek prayer meeting. Price $2.50


A WORKING PLAN FOR THE CHURCH SCHOOL A. E. Henry The author in his prer face says, “ In building an efficient Sunday School, four things must be kept in mind. They represent its four objectives. First, the School must reach the people. Second, the School must teach them. Third, the School must win their decision for Christian life. Fourth, the School must train for Christian;- ser­ vice.” This book gives a work­ ing manual that will help the average school accom­ plish these four objectives. Price $1.25 CHURCH PUBLICITY By Christian F. Reisner One thousand, five hun­ dred pictured forms and other plans for advertising the church and helping it to get a hearing for the Gospel. Price $1.50 By Rev. John Roach Straton, D. D. Are the modern dances a sign of degeneracy in the human race? Are they a serious menace, physically, mentally, and morally to the r i s i n g generation? Should the church today relax its attitude of oppo­ sition to such worldly in­ dulgences? This is one of the strong­ est books on the dance that has yet been issued. Its arguments are unan­ swerable. T h i s b o o k THE DANCE OF DEATH— SHOULD CHRISTIANS INDULGE?

A. H. McKinney This a companion vol­ ume to “ Guiding Boy8 over Fool Hill.’* Is especially valuable for all those who have to do with girls either as teachers or as those who have them in charge during the critical character-form­ ing period of their lives. This book lays special em­ phasis on guiding girls into Christian Womanhood. Price $1.50 THE USE OF THE STORY IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Margaret W. Eggleston In this remarkable book a great artist lets the au­ dience behind the screens and shows how they too, may become masters of the art of story telling. The author says,- “ 1 have writ­ ten this book because I have longed to help teach­ ers and workers with boys and girls in Religious Edu­ cation. It is for those who are eager to know ‘How’.“ Price $1.50 PLANNING CHURCH BUILDINGS By Henry Edward Tralle M. A., Th.D. and George E. Merrill, A.I.A. A book that is original and constructive. Shows how to plan for the ade­ quate housing of a modern church program. Shows how to build beautifully and economically. Shows how to build for preaching, for worship, for teaching, for recreation, and for evangel­ ism. Shows how to build for a small church or for a large church. Shows how to remodel an old building. Illustrated with architect’s plans. Cloth, $1.25 net

should be put into the hands of every father and mother as well as into the hands of every young per­ son. Price 25c; 12 for $2.50 If books are to be sent by mail add 10% for postage unless otherwise specified. Unless cash accompanies order all goods will be sent C. O. D. Biola Book Room, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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