King's Business - 1922-04


THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S the glory of the former days departed. It was the first Unitarian church established in the United States, and the beginning of a movement which did much toward making New England the theological successor to the Jewish Sanhedrin who sent Christ to the cross because He was not a Uni­ tarian but persisted in the claim that He was, in a unique sense, the son of As an organization this Unitarian movement is passing; and a Boston pastor several years ago declared that they were willing now to die as an organization because they had soJnculcated other denominations With their views that their organization was no longer needed. There is too much truth in this claim; but the Boston pastor ought not to be over elated by this fact for it simply means that other denominations have taken the poi­ son which is killing the Unitarian churches; and it is only a matter of time when they too will be dying like the Unitarian teachers. If what he claims is true, there will soon be many corpses instead of one; and those who re­ fuse to take the poison will have to witness the sad obsequies while we con­ tinue to live and grow. — N. C. D. FRIENDLY ENEMIES Will the friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles permit a suggestion concerning our attitude toward persons or propaganda of any kind or character? Many times persons professing to be related to the Institute because of having attended our classes, have created confusion in the minds of people with reference to our position along Biblical or doc­ trinal lines. | Whenever any question arises as to whether the Bible Institute is holding true to its position as found in its statement of doctrine, instead of accepting hearsay evidence from any one, would it not he | fair to us to drop a line to the Superintendent and in a straightfor- g ward way ask if w’e have delegated such and such an individual to represent us, and whether we defend or condemn the propaganda or positions held by him? | Prom the beginning of our work we have been misjudged, mis­ quoted and maligned by many people, many of whom have been mis- | informed, but who, if they had taken the pains to ascertain our real position in the matter, would have been able to arrive at the truth. We cannot read the life of Christ without knowing that just such injustice was done to Him as has been done to us and other religious organizations by hasty conclusions without proper investigation, and this is an appeal to our real friends everywhere to favor us by first obtaining, by personal inquiry, facts which will enable them to render just judgment. _ | Our doctrinal'position can always be ascertained by referring to the statement of doctrine held by us, and incorporated in the deed to the property upon which our building stands, as it appears on the outside cover of this magazine. y|lin|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllllllllllllHllllillllltllHilllllllllllllllll|IIIHIIIIIIIIIUHIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIN^

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