King's Business - 1922-04


T H E K I N G ’ S' B U S I N E S S I haven’t treated Jesus Christ right. I do want to treat Him right and I know my wife will too. Won’t you come and see us? It will be such a help.” Do you wonder, dear friends, with men responding to the claims of Christ as we give the message, that we are willing to go forward against all oppo­ sition? Is it any wonder that we con­ stantly lay it upon your hearts that we need the prayers of God’s people for this, His work, in the heart of this large city? It is this that leads us to say, “ Brethren, pray for us.” That you might pray more definitely, a postal ad­ dressed to this department will bring special requests to you from time to time. PLENDID reports continue to come from the work being done in Ireland and Scotland by Evangelist W. P. Nicholson. It will be remembered by King’s Business readers that Mr. Nicholson is now “in his second year of evangelistic meetings in his native land, having yielded to the urgent request of a large and influential committee to remain there for another year. His friends in this country had been looking forward to his return last September, but we rejoice in the wonderful results that have attended his ministry across the sea. We quote the following from an Ulster (Ireland) newspaper: “ An Advisory Council has been formed and arrangements have been made for a great evangelistic campaign throughout Ulster. At several strategic centers, mission services will be con­ ducted for the period of one month by Rev. W. P. Nicholson, an evangelist of wide experience, who assisted Dr. Tor- rey and Dr. .Chapman in work in Amer­ ica, Australia and elsewhere. In May last, Mr. Nicholson conducted a four weeks’ mission in Portadown, where a great awakening and ingathering of souls took place, with results continu­ ing to this day. “ When final plans were made for a United Mission in Lurgan, prayer meet­ ings were started in every district of the town, and workers of every church in the neighborhood joined together, to leave no stone unturned to make the' mission a success. The result of their efforts was that enthusiasm and expec­ tancy were at fever pitch when the NICHOLSON'S WORK

lar and helpful to many of the people of Pasadena. Special mention should be made of the “ Etri Club” which meets every Thursday evening, supper being served from 6:00 to 7:00 o’clock. Bible study and devotional services follow from 7:00 to 8:00 o’clock. Miss Scott’s Bible studies and heart-to-heart talks to the girls are very helpful. Many of the girls have been given a new vision of life, and quite a number have been saved. Many who come here as strangers find a home-like, cheery, helpful company of Christian young women to greet them. In this way a number have been brought into the fellowship of spiritual churches. Please pray for all of these very im­ portant lines of Christian work. SHOP WORK Marion H. Reynolds, Superintendent Thirty-tw o meetings are being held each week in thé various shops, fa c­ tories, car-barns and engine houses o f the city, in addition to which the superintend- ent_of the w ork visits many of the men in their homes. OW to reach the laboring classes with the Gospel in the days in which we are living is certainly a problem that needs "no little prayer and thought. Especially do we find this true in our large city. We are glad to say that God has been honoring our faith and His Word as we go in and out among these people, and we do get an oppor­ tunity to definitely present the claims of Christ to the men. There are so many other things of­ fered to men and women that unless the Gospel message is presented in a way to make a stronger appeal to them, the hearing is oftentimes small, but we re­ joice that there are still those who sur­ render to Him as their Saviour. Week after week the message had been ringing out and the Holy Spirit had been taking it home to the hearts of the men. Finally, at the close of one of these meetings, where it seemed as though God was working in a special way, one of the men stepped up to us and said, “ I want to talk to you.” After a few broken words, he straightened up, looked us squarely in the eye, and said, “ For the past years of my life I have been as fair and honest as I could be. I have treated my family well and have tried to treat the men with whom I came in contact well, but I see now that

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