King's Business - 1922-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

and especially for my Sunday school class. The boys have all accepted the Lord Jesus Christ lately, but they peed strength to grow as new -born babies. Pray also fo r the college and for me, that I may never be ashamed to show my colors.” Miss Birdie Gilgert, ’20, writes from Sells, Arizona: "I have two more Bible classes this year, making four in all. On Sunday afternoons there is a personal w ork class fo r the English speaking In ­ dians. The Lord has blessed us with His presence in these classes and is strength­ ening the faith of these Christians. Please pray that the Lord w ill provide food for the Indians as their bean crop has failed. Pray fo r a revival among these Indians, that the unsaved may accept the Christ who has redeemed them.” 'S A. Sackerson, who has accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Evangel­ ical Mission ChurchJof Fresno, writes of his church as follow s: “It stands firmly w ith both feet on the fundamentals of the Bible. We have a splendid group of young people; active, aggressive and spir­ itual. Any B. ¡3 folk s com ing through. Fresno are invited to stop and say Hello, and give a message. A form er B. I. stud­ ent, Mr. Kale, is superintendent of Evan­ gelistic Bible Institute here, and is do­ ing a good work. The Lord has H is ser­ vants all along the line, and I am happy to be one of them in the w ork of faith and labor o f love.” Miss Catherine A. Hughes, ’20, is w ork ­ ing in a preventive and rescue home for girls in K ingswood, Cardiff, South Wales, and among the women in a very poor dis­ trict of the town. Many hardened cases are met with in her w ork and much prayer is needed. Harry J. Hill, ’12, writes from Pyengvang K orea: “This is a very busy and happy time for me. I ’m teaching John, 2 C or­ inthians, Ephesians, etc., in the Men’s Bible Institute, to 170 men. A lso, in Mr. Phillips’ absence, I have to be principal o f the B. I. There is also a one w eek’s B ib le -cla ss of 1000 members from the country, studying this week, in about thirty divisions. Keep on praying for us that we may teach the Lord by life as w ell as by lip.” Mrs, Carl B. Urban w rites: “We (Mr. Urban and I, ’17), are fortunately located at Aru, Congo, Beige, a point through which many of our missionaries pass en- route from the stations in the north to the stations in the south of Congo, also to the Uganda Territory east of us. A B. I. party dropped in one day consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Van Dusen, Mr. Kirk, and Miss DeMasor. The Van Dusens and Mr. K irk left for Uganda the next morning. Mr. K irk was in a hurry as he had a young lady awaiting him there who was soon to be his w ife. We had a longer visit with Miss DeMasor who was' here two weeks awaiting a chance to go to her new work south of us. We do praise the Lord for the fellow ship with other B. I. students in the heart of A frica.” Karl Hummel, ’18, writes from Nicara. glia, C- A.: “We shall never fo rg e t dear old Biola nor the truth for which it stands. A t present two of our believers are a t­ tending night school there. We have a young girl here that we hope to send sometime, if the Lord wills. Perhaps the

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Siemans (nee Irene Witmer),' *2 1 Alumni would join us in prayer for this. The young lady’s name is Mercedes Romero and we believe that with two or three years at the B. I. she would make a fine w orker for the Lord. Pray that the Lord may supply the funds for •her outfit and passage, if He so w ills.” Mr and Mrs. Harold E. Vroman, ’20, San Pedro, Charcas, Bolivia, write of their Christmas festivities, including a gathering of eighteen workers for Christ­ mas dinner. The letter continues: “W ith all the terrible conditions of the country and people, there are a few jew els for the K in g’s crown being taken out from among the enemy’s hosts. There are of course many discouragements in this work, among this people, but then we are not told that everyone who has a chance to. hear the Good News w ill believe it and a c­ cept it.We have had every need supplied during the first year here; and have had no real great trials of troubles— they have all been insignificant when we look back at them. So we should not be anxious for the future, seeing that it is so plain that w e are in the one place chosen for us to labor. Pray much fo r us and for our w ork here.”

STUDENTS—K i n d l y communicate with Miss Elfreda Stein, B. I., the com­ piler of these notes.

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