King's Business - 1922-04


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

THE EDITOR’S MAID BAG Where the K. B. Did Some Good “ A friend subscribed to The King’s Business for me. I had never heard of it before. I did not care about it. Nev­ ertheless, I read a copy and it so awak­ ened me that I started going to church. There I heard the Word of God and have accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. I may say that your magazine is now a great blessing to me.” Here is a Good Suggestion A friend in Ainsworth, Nebraska, writes that he has sent us over a hun­ dred subscriptions to the K. B. in the past eighteen months, and tells us how he works it. He procures sample copies of The King’s Business and pins to the cover the following typewritten note: “ You will find the daily devotional read­ ings in this magazine very helpful. The exposition of the Sunday School lessons is excellent, and the other articles are all worth reading. The price is only $1.00 a year, but I will secure it for you for 75 cents as I send in ten or more subscriptions at a time. Will be glad to have your subscription to send with my next order, and to give you the benefit of my commission.” Magazines bearing this note are left at the homes of persons whom he hopes to interest. The Eight Is On Rev. Hugh S. Wallace, who, as pastor of the Woodlawn Baptist Church, Au­ gusta, Georgia, has been standing four­ square for the fundamental truths, writes us that he finds more help in The King’s Business than in any of the other premillennial magazines which he re­ ceives. Mr. Wallace continues as fol­ lows: “ Because of my position on the fundamental truths, including the Sec­ ond Coming and the separated life, I was bitterly fought by certain men in my church who have been life-long ene­ mies to the deeper spiritual things. As a result, 300 of the advocates of the truth, have been driven from Woodlawn

MORE ABOUT CAIN’S WIFE Our attention has been called to two errors that have occurred in past num­ bers of the The King’s Business* under the head, “ Bible Briefs.” The statement was made that the word “ faith” occurred hut once in the Old Testament, whereas in the Author­ ized Version it is to be found twice (Deut. 32:20; Hab. 2 :4). However, the Hebrew forms are not identical, and in neither place does the word convey the same meaning as the New Testa­ ment word for “ faith,” the thought be­ ing rather of hope. . In another issue a statement was made as to Cain’s wife, and in some manner the figures became badly jug­ gled. Cain, of course^ must have mar­ ried one of Adam’s descendants, the historian, however, giving us only a few prominent links of the genealogy. Only the prominent men are mentioned and there is no mention of the daughters. One expositor points out that Adam lived 900 years, and that on the com­ monly accepted basis of four children to a family, in the period before the flood there would have been an average of 120 children to a family, considering that the length of life at that period was thirty times as great- as now. Sup­ posing that there were but 48 children to a family and that one fourth of the population died and another fourth never married, and that children were born only during the second and third hundred years of the parents’ lives, the population at the time of Adam’s death would figure 20,000,000. The Bible does not say how old Cain was when he murdered Abel; in fact, he may have been married a few hundred years be­ fore the murder. We do not know Cain’s age at the time he was married—- he might have been 300 or 400 years old, and might easily have had his pick of 1,000,000 girls.

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