King's Business - 1922-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S ziah’s death (9:27) Athaliah, (daughter of Ahab and Jezebel) the queen mother, murdered all of her grandchildren (ex-

shaphat took the step for. political rea­ sons, but it was contrary to God’s com­ mand. It looked promising. (Prov. 21:30.) “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the tord.” Then came the unholy alliance ot Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat, to Atha­ liah, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. She was a successful follower of a foul mother— a chip of the old block. Both were devotees of a vicious cult. Jezebel introduced Baal worship in­ to Israel. Athaliah introduced it into Judah, ' building a temple for worship, setting up an image of Baal and install­ ing priests to officiate. Each of them opposed the Lord. Jezebel slew the priests of Jehovah and threatened Elijah. Athaliah overturned true worship, made breaches in the walls, gave God’s offerings to Baal. Jezebel murdered Naboth and God’s prophets (1 Ki. 21:8-14). Athaliah murdered all of the offspring of her son. Jezebel controlled Ahab and used her powers over him. Athaliah ruled Jeho­ ram (8 :18 ;.2 Chron. 22:3). God’s laws were plain (Deut. 7:3, 4). "Neither shalt thou make marriage» with them, thy daughter shalt thou not give to his sou, nor his daughter shalt thou take to thy son. For they will turn away thy son from following me that they may serve other gods; so will the anger of the Lord he kindled against you and destroy thee suddenly.” Whosoever transgresses God’s law re­ garding the unequal yoke, must suffer. When a woman marries a man to reform him she usually falls to his level. Every­ where are to be found the wrecks that have been shattered on these rocks. Poor Israel! Poor Judah! Poor church of the living God! What sorrow and suf­ fering have followed the violation of these unchanging and unchangeable laws! (2 ) COMPASSING THÉ KING, vs. 4- 11 . There is a remarkable contrast be­ tween Athaliah and Jehosheba, the wife of the priest of the house of David.

c e p t t h e . youngest, Joash, who was hid­ den by his aunt, Jeho- sheba, the wife of Jehoiada), seized the kingdom and for six years, without resist­


ance, retained authority and maintained the worship of Baal which was intro­ duced into Judah by Jehoram. For six years Jehosheba kept the young prince hidden, and when he had reached the age of seven years, Jehoiada the priest, believing the time had come to establish him as king, proceeded with great caution to make his plans. He sounded the captains of the royal guard and found them favorable. They agreed to obey his orders. His next step was to secure a strong, safe body­ guard, so he sent the captains to the cities of Judah to enlist a force of Le- vites and others and bring them to Jerusalem. (2 Chron. 23:2.) «And they went about in Judah and gathered the Levites out of all the cities of Judah, and the chief of the fathers of Israel, and they came to Jerusalem.” This was done quietly and without arousing ~the suspicions of Athaliah. Jehoshaphat had made an unholy alli­ ance with Ahab (2 Chron. 18:1-3). He had walked in the ways of his father David (1 Chron. 17:1-5). He had been honored of the Lord with riches and prosperity (2 Chron. 17:5-6), but he took the f,atal step that has brought untold misery to so many. What right has a follower of the Lord to yoke himself up with an unbeliever? (Eph. 5:11.) «And have no fellowship with the un­ fruitful works of darkness, but rather re­ prove them.” (2 Cor. 6:14-17.) The first step toward an unholy alli­ ance is the beginning of sorrows. Jeho­

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