King's Business - 1922-04


T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S good, glad day when we shall be with Him in glorified bodies like unto His glorious body; and all of the professors and preachers living can never rob us of this God-given assurance. Let us do all within our power to help others to know the truth and let us pray for the deluded professed professors. —T. C. H. COMPEL CONCRETE CONFESSION Numerous letters are coming to us with definite facts' concerning the large number of professed preachers and teachers in supposedly evangelical churches and schools (and the number is multiplying daily) who are deny­ ing the fundamentals of our faith, so that it seems wise to make a practical suggestion to believers everywhere who have any doubt as to the Biblical position of any particular preacher or teacher. Sometimes men are misunderstood and great harm is done by misjudg- ing them, and such should be given a fair opportunity to correct any mis­ apprehension which may exist concerning so important a matter. On the other hand, there are multitudes of fakirs, playing the meanest game known to men, viz. : obtaining money under false pretense and damn­ ing souls for whom our Lord shed His precious and holy blood. Such men ought to be ferreted out and branded as they deserve, for they are always seeking to cover their tracks by throwing ecclesiastical and so-called “ scientific” dust in the eyes of the deluded people. We suggest the following questionnaire which may be submitted to any preacher or teacher concerning whom any doubt exists* To the Pastor: As a member of the church of which you are the pastor, and as a contributor to the church expenses, I desire to know your position concerning the four great fundamental doctrines of the evangelical church: (1) Do you believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired and inerrant Word of God? (2) Do you believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of a virgin? (3) Do yon believe that only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ atonement could be and was made for sin? (4) Do you believe in the physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ? These questions are,evangelical tests which thirty years ago few men m evangelical churches would have failed to meet satisfactorily. It will, not be necessary to have a personal conference, but just write a loving letter, leaving space after; each question for a “ Yes” or a “ No ” Every true believer will be glad to answer “ Yes,’ ’ .while the trifling trickster will want to occupy a good many pages in the effort to make you believe he is all right when he is all wrong. | any denominational school where the Bible is taught, the same ques­ tions could be rightfully asked and an answer demanded. In the secular schools in this country, for the most part, no Biblical in­ struction at all is supposed to be given. But in very many of them the teachers are denying that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and parents have a right to demand that such teaching be discontinued.

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