King's Business - 1922-04



Spirit purifies the soul while the cleans­ ing blood washes whiter than snow. Isaiah 1:18. Even this earth of ours which has had a lustration of water, must also have a purgation of fire. 2 Pet. 3:6, 7. “ Refining fire, go through my heart, Illuminate my soul, Scatter thy life through every part And sanctify the whole.” FRIDAY, April 28. Acts 9:10-18. The Call to Service. We do not serve God because we have not seen Him. The transforming vision of His glory fits us for service. Mdses saw the Lord and said, “ Use me as thou wilt.” Peter saw the Lord and said, “ Lord, I am a sinful man, but I will do what I can to serve Thee.” Paul saw the Lord, and although he was blinded and stunned, he came out victorious and with unquenchable zeal, Isaiah >saw the Lord upon His heavenly throne and cried, “Here am I, send me.” The woman of Sychar looked up into the face of the Lord and then looked out on the fields white unto the harvest. Shd became a city missionary and brought her fel­ low townsmen out to sit at the Master’s feet and hear the word o f life. “ I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, O’er the mountain or plain or sea; I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord, I’ll be what you want me to be.” SATURDAY, April 29. Jeremiah 1:4-19. God Calls Jeremiah. Men of the world have their visions of wealth, power and earthly greatness, by which ambition is created qnd sus­ tained. Men of God have their visions of service in behalf of a lost world awaiting redemption. In the white light of God’s holiness, the blackness of sin is seen and when the remedy is discov­ ered a missionary is born. Much has been said about the missionary’s call, but in view of the universality of the Great Commission, should not one plead a special call to stay at home? Giving of one’s substance can be no substitute for the giving of one’s self. It is easy to get money, but God wants men. The peoples of the earth have increased more rapidly than those who have car­ ried the name of Christ to them. God’s method of procuring laborers is by prayer. If we pray for laborers God will send them forth. Matt. 9:38. SUNDAY, April 30. Matt. 10:1-15. Jesus Calls and Commissions His Disciples.

eagle wings the splendors of the sun­ rise. His message is characterized by glowing rhetoric and matchless dignity of style. The heart of his prophecy is found in the fifty-third chapter. TUESDAY, April 25. Isaiah 6:9-13. “ Thou remainest.” Israel's king passes away, but Israel’s God lives oh. The throne of Judah was vacant, but the throne of the universe is'never empty. Kings and beggars have two fixed dates in their history. They are born and they die. God sits for­ ever upon His eternal throne unaffected by the changes of human life. Uzziah has to die that Isaiah may see that it is God who lives. God puts out the sec­ ondary lights that men may see the eternal light. Isaiah was an admirer of king Uzziah and was proud of the great achievements of his reign. When the king died the prophet felt that all was lost. The nation would speedily go to pieces. When he was looking for the worst he saw a greater king. He learned'from this vision that national security and prosperity are not in kings and earthly thrones, but in God. WEDNESDAY, April 26. Luke 5:1-8. The Revelation of Self. The vision of God’s holiness always reveals man’s wickedness. Such a'rev­ elation swept away the self-righteous­ ness of Job, ch. 42:5, 6. It made Moses conscious of his weakness and distrust­ ful of himself. It compelled boastful Peter to cry out, “ Depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” It transformed Saul the Pharisee going about to estab­ lish his own righteousness into the chief of sinners. “ Thou hast set our iniquities before thee; our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.” We need to see iour sins before we see our Saviour. We must realize our defile­ ment before we seek the cleansing. When we become aware that there is no power of self-recovery or cleansing and no help from those around us, we turn to God and are not disappointed. THURSDAY, April 27.- Acts 2:1-11. The Cleansing Touch. Isaiah’s cry of need brought a quick response. Fire was the means of puri­ fication. The fire had come from the altar on which the sacrifice had been offered. This made it efficacious. The touch of the altar fire cleansed the prophet’s life. Fire is one of the sym­ bols of the Holy Spirit. Fire consumes and cleanses. Moral warmth cleanses. The purified heart becomes passionate with devotion. The baptism of the

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