King's Business - 1922-04



1,439,515; Lutheran, 2,462,505; Metho­ dist, 7,468,131;, Presbyterian, 2,213, 099; Protestant Episcopal, 1,092,821; Reformed, 1,077,042; Roman Catholic, 15,115,365; United Brethren, 367,945; Unitarian, 71,110. At last the P. P. Quimby manuscripts have been published. They would be of little interest except that Mrs Mary Baker Eddy so persistently denied that she got her “ Science and Health” from Quimby instead of by Divine revelation. Julius A. Dresser was a warm friend of Quimby, and when, after Quimby’s death, Mrs. Eddy claimed to have re­ ceived her science of healing by Divine revelation, Dresser published an article in the “ Boston Post” showing Mrs, Eddy’s use of Quimby’s material. The controversy could easily have been set­ tled by producing Quimby’s manuscripts at the time, but George A. Quimby, who came into possession of his father’s papers, for some reason would not al­ low their publication. This attitude encouraged doubt as to their existence, and Mrs. Eddy took advantage of this in intrenching herself. She undertook to discredit Quimby altogether, al­ though, when his pupil, she had lauded him. She refers to him as “ an ignorant mesmerist” and says he never taught any system of mental healing. Rather unfortunately for Eddyism, George Quimby recently died, not having de­ stroyed his father’s writings. . The papers were turned over to Horatio Dresser, son of Julius Dresser, and na­ turally Mr. Dresser takes satisfaction, even at this late hour, in publishing the articles and proving to a finish his father’s assertions. Comparison of “ The Q u i m b y Manuscripts” with “ Science and Health” will not help one’s belief in the veracity of Mrs. Eddy. A Riverside, California, pastor, Dr. H. L. Boardman, withdraws from the Baptist denomination, frankly •admit­ ting that he is a misfit. He. is moved by a sense of strain and embarrass­ ment, due' to changes in his attitude toward the Bible. He refers to Chi­ cago University days as the beginning of bis unbelief. He admits that for years he has tried to believe he could privately be a “ modern” and still be a good Baptist. He declares he can no longer hold back his beliefs, but feels he must pass them on to enlighten others. He expects to affiliate with a denomination that will allow him great­ er freedom. We admire the man for making the confession and stepping out.

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