King's Business - 1922-04

414 step in a Baptist assembly, but it was argued by the leaders that the work of the convention should be carried on by churches in sympathy with the “New World Movement.” This action severed ' the relation of scores of churches from official rights in the convention simply because they refused to make their con­ tributions to the educational plans of the movement, but insisted on putting their money into safer channels. This action, no doubt, will make the conven­ tion machinery run more smoothly, but it will lead to the independent churches forming an “ orthodox Baptist conven­ tion." The Northern Baptist Conven­ tion, which meets at Seattle, will decide some’ vital issues, for the churches ex­ cluded in Michigan are still in good standing in the Northern Baptist Convention. THE ONLY EXPLANATION Rom. 5:19. Christianity affords a simple, natural and adequate explana­ tion, both of the guilt and imperfec­ tion of the race, by its doctrine of the fall. Of the origin of evil, we say not one word. But so profoundly does the theory, that man is now in a state of lapse and distemper, seem to us to agree with all that can be gathered from consciousness and history; so perfectly does it explain the glory of his sadness and the sadness of his glory; so definitely does it intimate why the prostrate column and the shat­ tered wall tell of a mind in ruin, while yet the gold, and gems,-and ivory that shine amid the fragments, hint that it was once an imperial mansion; so well does it explain the sublime homesick­ ness which has led earth’s loftiest sons, despising all that grew on a soil ac­ cursed, to go aside from the throng, and seek the joys of spirit and the em­ brace of truth in lonely thought and contemplation; so satisfactorily does it harmonize the loveliness of the dawn, and the horrors of the battle-field, as existing in one world, that it seems to us worthy to be ranked among pro­ found mysteries that cannot at all be called in question.— Peter Bayne.

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