King's Business - 1922-04



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Biola Book Room

Can be gotten only from the author at 522 Alpine St., Los Angeles. (We ex­ pect to use a chapter from "this book in a future issue of this magazine.) Voice of Thanksgiving, No. 3 The Bible Institute Colportage Asso­ ciation has recently completed a new edition of the Moody song book, which will be found useful to many churches. The edition contains fifty new hymns, 272 pages in all. Cloth edition is sold at 60 cents. Gompanion Bible, Last Volume Many students have patiently been waiting for the last volume of the Com­ panion Bible, which has been in process of printing for several years by Oxford University Press. This volume contains a great deal of material of additional value. The new volume in cloth is $3. Wilson Topical and Textual Index We have often referred to this index­ ing system for preachers and Chfistian workers and purpose in our May issue to point out in some detail what its benefits are to those who are collecting Bible material. The plan does away with bulky card indexes, envelope systems, etc;, and carries the full loca­ tion of material in a book, the locations being noted by a letter and a figure. Any worker who is interested in sim­ plifying his indexing plan should write to the Wilson Index Co:, East Haddam, Conn. The managing editor has for some years used-this plan and would be glad to correspond with any of our sub­ scribers concerning it. Price, $8. God’s Word to Women (2 Vols) Two paper-covered volumes under the above title, written by Dr. Katherine Bushnell, 127 Sunnyside Ave., Oakland, Calif., have been carefully examined, and in our opinion contain a vast amount of vital material that would help not only women, for whom it is es­ pecially designed, but men. Dr. James M. Gray says of the work: “ It is time a woman should interpret what the Bible says about women. Dr. Bush- nell’s work is scholarly and erudite, but devout and loyal to the Bible.” None of the hard problems concerning woman

The Life o f Charles M. Alexander A Romance of Song and Soul Winning This is the title of a wonderful pro­ duction in book form by Mrs. Charles M. Alexander,— a beautiful tribute by a wife to a loved and honored husband. With more than two hundred and fifty illustrations Mrs. Alexander has woven the life-story of the man whose win­ ning personality and wondrous love for souls made him a marked man among the millions of professing Christians,— beloved by wifd and kindred be­ loved -by fellow-workers, beloved by thousands of people the world around, loved best of all by the Lord Jesus Christ who took him to Himself in the midst of a service of untold value to a lost world. Charles Alexander was led by the Holy Spirit to the place appointed for him. He filled it well. He did his best. ,He is with his Lord, and when the Lord comes with His saints and for His saints, perhaps he will be appointed to lead the grand chorus of “ Hallelujah to the Lamb! ” We loved him. We love his memory. We unite with the multitude in thanks­ giving for him, and in prayer for the devoted wife whom God used to help make possible the multiplied blessings which flowed from hjs life. T. C. H. My Conversion Dr. Aristide Malinverni, pastor of the Italian United Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, placed on our table a copy of his book, “ My Conversion,” a volume which we have found of intense interest and hasten to recommend. . The author was formerly a Roman Catholic priest, and at one time a professor in a Cath­ olic university, and editor of a Catholic paper. Dr. Malinverni is a man of cul­ ture and he writes with freedom from the bitterness often displayed in such works. The value of the book lies es­ pecially in the copious quotations which he makes from Catholic text books and the inside information he is able to give as to the efforts of Romanism to capture the governments of the world. We regard the book as a masterpiece.

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