CIPP Payroll: need to know 2018-2019

As a reminder, the primary audience is businesses that currently only trade with the EU who will have to carry out a number of processes that they have not had to before. This builds on the previous version of the pack, published in November.

This partnership pack includes information from, and directs people to, five online guides, which provide the information on the steps UK businesses trading with EU need to take now in order to plan for a no deal scenario:

• Guide 1 - Get a UK EORI number to trade within the EU • Guide 2 - Exporting and importing goods if the UK leaves the EU with no deal • Guide 3 - Declaring your goods at customs if the UK leaves the EU with no deal • Guide 4 - Customs procedures if the UK leaves the EU with no deal • Guide 5 - Moving goods to and from the EU through roll on roll off locations including Eurotunnel.

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Preparing for a ‘no deal’ Brexit 26 November 2018

The Partnership pack: preparing for a 'no deal' Brexit which was published last month to help businesses plan for the possibility of a ‘no deal’ EU Exit, has been updated.

Several sections of the pack have been updated, and new sections have been added about what to expect on day one of a 'no deal' EU exit for people travelling to the EU with a UK passport and people travelling with pets.

You can use this pack for your own contingency planning and if relevant to also help your customers, members and clients:

• To think about how they will need to adapt their business to comply with new systems, processes and controls • To assess the impact of the increased demand for customs declarations on their business • To consider whether they need to recruit and train additional staff • To stay up-to-date with these changes (register for HMRC’s EU Exit update service).

The Partnership pack provides key stakeholders and intermediaries working with businesses with a high-level guide to customs processes and procedures that are likely to apply in a ‘no deal’ scenario.

For 2 years, the government has been implementing a significant programme of work to ensure the UK will be ready from day one in all scenarios, including a potential ‘no deal’ outcome in March 2019.

HMRC has said that it has always been the case that as we get nearer to March 2019, preparations for a ‘no deal’ scenario would have to be accelerated. “Such an acceleration does not reflect an increased likelihood of a ‘no deal’ outcome. Rather, it is about ensuring our plans are in place in the unlikely scenario that they need to be relied on.” All the information in the partnership pack is broken down into different sections relevant to each user group, where you can find: • the sections that everyone needs to read • resources to help your communications with customers, clients and members • sections that are relevant to your industry or type of business.

The partnership pack is also available to read as a single pdf document (second edition).

Future editions of this pack will include additional information around policies that will impact trade at the border.

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The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

Payroll: need to know

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