CIPP Payroll: need to know 2018-2019

Welsh rate of income tax From April 2019, the National Assembly for Wales will be able to vary the rates of income tax payable by Welsh taxpayers. Responsibility for many aspects of income tax will remain with the UK government, and the tax will continue to be collected by HMRC for Welsh taxpayers. From April 2019, the UK government will reduce each of the 3 rates of income tax – basic, higher and additional rate – paid by Welsh taxpayers by 10p. The National Assembly for Wales will then decide the 3 Welsh rates of income tax, which will be added to the reduced UK rates. The combination of reduced UK rates plus the Welsh rates will determine the overall rate of income tax paid by Welsh taxpayers.

If the National Assembly sets each of the Welsh rates of income tax at 10p, this will mean the rates of income tax paid by Welsh taxpayers will continue to be the same as that paid by English and Northern Irish taxpayers.

The National Assembly may decide to set different rates to reflect Wales’ unique social and economic circumstances.

Further information can be found in the Welsh rates of income tax FAQs.

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Private Members Bill to receive a second reading to extend the right to shared parental leave 2 March 2018

The Private Members Bill seeks to extend the right to receive shared parental leave to the self-employed including freelance workers and workers in the GIG economy received its first reading on 21 February 2018.

The second reading is scheduled to be delivered on 11 May 2018 and was introduced by the Tracy Brabin, MP for Batley and Spen who hails this is being a bill that delivers ‘no additional cost to the tax payer’.

No papers have yet been produced that provide the early detail to the Bill however the transcription of the reading can be accessed at Hansard Online.

This reading follows the campaign launch 'Share the Joy' that looks to encourage greater take up of Shared Parental Leave by all parents.

Share Parental Leave was launched in 2015 and however parental take up is estimated to be a low 2%. The campaign is part of the government’s aim to raise awareness of employment rights, in a drive to boost job satisfaction and productivity as part of the modern Industrial Strategy and Good Work plan.

CIPP comment The CIPP policy team would value hearing from members as to their experiences with Shared Parental Leave take up. Have you adapted your policies to fully incorporate Shared Parental leave? Do they provide equity for both parents – if so has that affected take up? If you have commentary you would like to share please email Samantha Mann Senior policy and research officer at policy.

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Major review of post-18 education launched 7 March 2018

The Prime Minister has pledged to look at ways to ensure more people have a genuine choice of high quality technical and academic options.

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

Payroll: need to know

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