CIPP Payroll: need to know 2018-2019

• The economy continues to grow, continues to create jobs and continues to beat expectations. • The UK’s public finances have reached a turning point, with borrowing down and the first sustained fall in debt for 17 years. • Over £1.5 billion allocated to departments and devolved administrations to prepare for Brexit in 2018-19 • An ambitious plan to tackle the UK’s housing challenge and build the homes the country needs • Helping households with the cost of living: increases to personal allowance, introduction of National Living Wage. • Helping businesses by bringing forward the next business rates revaluation to 2021.

• Improving transport in English cities. • Improving the UK’s digital connectivity.

There are also four areas of new consultation, Inviting views on future changes to the tax system:

Reducing single-use plastic waste through the tax system - the government is seeking views on how best to use the tax system to encourage the responsible use of plastic.

Making sure multinational digital businesses pay a fair share of tax - the government has set out its thinking on how the tax system can change to give a fair result for digital businesses.

The role of cash in the new economy - the government is seeking views on what more it can do to support people and businesses who use digital payments, ensure that those who need to are able to pay with cash and prevent the use of cash to evade tax and launder money. Supporting people to get the skills they need - to support upskilling and retraining, the government is seeking views on extending the current tax relief to support self-employed people and employees when they fund their own training.

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Universal Credit continues to roll out across the nation 23 March 2018

The transition roll out schedule from March 2018 to December 2018 has been updated.

It is expected that the rollout of the Universal Credit full service is due to be complete in December 2018 and from that point the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) will then begin moving all remaining existing benefit claimants to the Universal Credit full service beginning in 2019.

You can access the roll out schedule roll-out schedule to see which areas are planned for which months on

CIPP comment

RTI has been ‘business as usual’ for some good while now and yet its roll out timetable was dominated by the need for readiness in time for Universal Credit rollout. The CIPP policy team value hearing from members as to their experiences as a result of RTI and if you have commentary you would like to share please email Samantha Mann Senior policy and research officer at policy.

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The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

Payroll: need to know

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