CIPP Payroll: need to know 2018-2019

Draft Finance Bill 2018-19 11 July 2018

Several measures under the Finance Bill 2018-19 have been published for consultation with a closing date of Friday 31 August 2018.

The Finance Bill is the vehicle for renewing annual taxes, delivering new tax proposals and maintaining administration of the tax system. Each measure under the Bill is accompanied by: • a tax information and impact note (TIIN) which sets out what the legislation seeks to achieve, why the government is undertaking the change and a summary of the expected impacts; • draft legislation; and • an explanatory note which provides a more detailed guide to the legislation. CIPP comment The final contents of ‘Finance Bill 2018-19’ will be subject to confirmation at Budget 2018 (the date is yet to be confirmed but is likely to take place in November). We will provide more detail about the individual changes which are relevant to payroll professionals in separate news items over the next week or so but in the interim, below is a list of the measures included in this Bill (all links can be found within the Finance Bill 2018-19).

Personal Tax draft legislation

• Abolition of receipt checking for benchmark scale rates and changes to overseas scale rates • Income Tax rent a room relief • Simplification of donor benefits rules for Gift Aid • Changes to Optional Remuneration Arrangements rules for taxable cars and vans • Workplace charging for all-electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles • Changes to the treatment of emergency vehicles for private use • Reform of employer contributions into life assurance and overseas pension schemes

Business Tax draft legislation

• Income Tax and Corporation Tax response to accounting changes for leasing • Corporation Tax changes to the corporate interest restriction rules • Climate Change Levy exemption for mineralogical and metallurgical processes • Changes to the Corporation Tax reform of loss relief rules • Corporation Tax on UK property income of non-UK resident companies • Oil and gas taxation: transferable tax history and retention of decommissioning expenditure

Indirect Tax draft legislation

• Tobacco duty on heated tobacco • New still cider and perry bands for Alcohol Duty • HGV Levy • VAT grouping eligibility criteria changes • Exempt zero-emission capable taxis from Vehicle Excise Duty expensive car supplement • Changes to Gaming duty accounting periods and administration

Stamp Duty draft legislation

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

Payroll: need to know

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