CIPP Payroll: need to know 2018-2019

include, PAYE (basic, higher and additional rates); income from pensions and other non-savings sources and self assessment.

Division of powers Not all powers relating to the administration and collection of income tax have been devolved to Welsh government by the Wales Act 2014, excluded from these measures are: • the ability to vary the tax-free allowance or to vary the threshold of the existing tax bands; • the ability to introduce further tax bands; • the ability for an individual to self-declare their residency status via a change to the starter checklist. Update address The message for employees and clients remains constant: it is vital for them to keep HMRC informed when they have a change of home address. This is important for a number of reasons but not least to identify whether the taxpayer is a Welsh resident. Details can still be changed via the telephone helpline service. However, in line with MTD aspirations, HMRC continue to promote the use of the personal tax account as the preferred method to update details. What next? The outline draft Budget is the first stage of the Budget, which sets out where Wales’ funding comes from and how it is allocated to the main spending departments. The detailed departmental spending plans will be published on 23 October, in line with the new budget process introduced by the National Assembly last year. At this time, we hope there will be news of the actual rate of Welsh Income Tax, which although has been suggested to remain the same as rUK for at least the first year, only ratification of the Budget will confirm this. The final Budget will be published on 18 December 2018, however a date for the final budget debate is yet to be confirmed.

Employer guidance relating to the operation of payroll can be expected to be issued by January 2019 following the ratification of Welsh rates.

The Policy team have asked HMRC if they plan to contact provisional Welsh Taxpayers before the end of this year? When we have an answer to this question we will be sure to let you know.

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Employers may have to include in job advert if it can be done flexibly 4 October 2018

Proposed measures announced include creating a duty for employers to consider whether a job can be done flexibly and make that clear when advertising, and consulting on requiring employers with 250+ staff to publish their parental leave and pay policies. The Business Secretary Greg Clark has announced a series of new measures to back businesses and entrepreneurs, support workers and ensure every part of the country benefits from the government’s modern Industrial Strategy. The new measures include: Proposals to help parents and carers in the workforce While many companies are increasingly embracing flexible working and the benefits it brings, some employees face barriers in raising this issue with their employers. The government will consider creating a duty for employers to consider whether a job can be done flexibly, and make that clear when advertising. Greater transparency on parental pay While many employers go further than the legal minimum for parental leave and pay, very few publish their policies openly. The government will consult on requiring employers with more than 250 staff to publish their parental leave and

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

Payroll: need to know

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