CIPP Payroll: need to know 2018-2019

Geographical extent: different strategies in Scotland and NI

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Budget statement 2018 23 October 2018

In another change to ‘the norm’ the 2018 Autumn Budget Statement has been scheduled for 3.30pm on Monday 29 October 2018.

In their essential guide the BBC have highlighted that three aspects of the timing of #budget being held on Monday, 29 October at about 3.30pm that are ‘relatively unusual’:

‘Firstly, it is earlier in the year than usual to avoid clashing with the final stage of Brexit negotiations in November.

Secondly, the Budget is being presented on a Monday, normally it is revealed on a Wednesday after Prime Minister's Questions. This year that would mean it would fall on Halloween - a gift to headline writers - although the government denies that was a factor in choosing the day. Thirdly, the Chancellor will start his speech at about 15:30 GMT, three hours later than usual. That's because Parliamentary business starts later on a Monday because MPs have to travel to London from their constituencies. The speech usually lasts about an hour, although the longest continuous Budget speech was by William Gladstone in 1853, lasting four hours and 45 minutes.’

CIPP comment The CIPP policy team will be following the Budget statement life as it happens @CIPP_UK #budget follow us on the day and add your thoughts and comments to the announcements being made and, as always, your comments are welcome to

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Partnership pack: preparing for a 'no deal' Brexit 25 October 2018

HMRC has published a partnership pack which is designed to support businesses preparing for day one if we leave the EU without a deal.

You can use this pack for your own contingency planning and if relevant to also help your customers, members and clients:

• To think about how they will need to adapt their business to comply with new systems, processes and controls • To assess the impact of the increased demand for customs declarations on their business • To consider whether they need to recruit and train additional staff • To stay up-to-date with these changes (register for HMRC’s EU Exit update service).

The Partnership pack provides key stakeholders and intermediaries working with businesses with a high-level guide to customs processes and procedures that are likely to apply in a ‘no deal’ scenario.

For 2 years, the government has been implementing a significant programme of work to ensure the UK will be ready from day one in all scenarios, including a potential ‘no deal’ outcome in March 2019.

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

Payroll: need to know

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