CIPP Payroll: need to know 2018-2019

There must be value achieved through the efforts of the software developers, payroll and HR professionals and so we recognise different methodology will be required.

If government consider that the time is right to deliver another reporting obligation on employers, in the name of transparency, significant time and structured planning will be needed. Rushed delivery will not achieve accurate outcomes.

Lessons need to be learned from the roll out of gender pay gap reporting with government engaging in greater detail with all affected stakeholders as they continue to consult.

Employers pay processes vary in size and complexity enormously and with the added challenges for gathering accurate ethnicity data, as identified within the consultation paper, will add further layers of complexity.

We see this consultation as the start of a conversation and not the end of it and look forward to being involved in further discussions.

Read the full CIPP response to the consultation on ethnicity pay reporting.

All consultation responses are available in the Policy hub under My CIPP on our website.

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New Tax Director appointed to the Office of Tax Simplification 11 January 2019

The government has announced the appointment of Bill Dodwell as the new Tax Director of the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS).

Bill Dodwell will provide expert advice, guidance and direction and bring years of experience to the OTS and its Board as a Non-Executive Member. Bill succeeds Paul Morton, who has held the position since March 2017.

The OTS was established in 2010 to provide advice to the Chancellor on simplifying the UK tax system and was made a permanent, independent office of HM Treasury in July 2015. It was put on a statutory footing in the Finance Act 2016. Bill Dodwell joins the OTS with a wealth of experience: • Bill was head of tax policy at Deloitte until May 2018, responsible for representations to HM Treasury, HMRC, the OECD and the EU • he is a former president of the Chartered Institute of Taxation and has chaired their technical committee. He is also editor-in-chief of the CIOT’s Tax Adviser magazine and a member of the Advisory Panel • Bill has represented Deloitte and the CIOT at the Public Accounts Committee, the Treasury Select Committee and the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee • he has law degrees from King’s College London and Queen’s College Cambridge and is a chartered accountant and chartered tax adviser • after retiring from Deloitte, Bill joined the OTS in July 2018 as a Senior Policy Adviser.

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Treasury to review 2019 loan charge 11 January 2019

The Treasury is to review its 2019 loan charge proposals, which are designed to tackle disguised remuneration, by the end of March after a cross-party group of MPs were successful in pushing through an amendment to the Finance Bill.

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals

Payroll: need to know

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