King's Business - 1913-10

Junior Endeavor Topics By J. K. H. S. Sunday, October 19

who took Naboth’s life to get his vineyard (1 Kings 21:1-16). Have these texts read, Philippians, 2 :21; 1 Corinthians 13:5; 1 John. 3:17; Philippians 2:3, 4; 1 Corin­ thians 12:14, 15; Matthew 20:28. Contrast Luke 19:31 with Luke 10:30-37. i Sunday, October 26. Kindness—Eph. 4:31, 32. 1. Definition. To be kind is to be “Con­ siderate of the well-being of others and affectionate or tender in conduct toward them; having tenderness or goodness of nature; benevolently or beneficently dis­ posed ; benignant; benevolent; beneficent.” t -' Stan. Die. 2. Derivation. The. word “Kind" is from the same root as "Kin.’’ Kindness is Kin­ ness, to act as we would, naturally, act toward our kill although it is true that our kin are not always kind. Ideal kindness is kin to everything human, for we are all one family; and, further, to every creature, for we with the very brutes have a com­ mon nature in so far that all suffer, and all respond to sympathy and kindness. 3. Christian Kindness. None can truly ■be called kind whose gentleness and benev­ olence is not shown toward all classes and conditions, old and young, rich and poor, master and servant, black, yellow, red, brown, as well as white men, and even, where possible, -to bad -as well as good; such kindness only is Christian, or Christ- like. 4. Examples. Ask the Juniors to.give instance's of kindness in Providence; in the Bible ; in their own experience. Tell them about the kindness of Jonathan to David (1 Sam. 18:1-4); df David to Mephibo- sheth (2 Sam. 9:1-7), of the house of Saul, David’s deadly enemy, and a wretched cripple at that. What kind of kindness did David call it? (v. 3). Sir Bartle Frere was a great man, governor of India, with three times as many people as the United States, but the greatest thing" about him was his kindness. One sent to the station

Unselfishness—Gal. 6:1,2. 1. Definition. Selfishness is—“Caring only, or chiefly, for one’s self, or one’s own interests, advantage, gratification, com­ fort, or the like: influenced by personal motives, or desires, to disregard the rights, comforts, or wishes of others.”— Stan. Die. 2. Call attention to the fact that this is • precisely opposite to the spirit of Christian­ ity, which is pure unselfishness, or caring for, yes, chiefly for the interests, advantage,, gratification, comfort, rights or wishes of others. Get the Juniors to give illustra­ tions; or examples of selfishness and un­ selfishness. I, lately, saw one rise from her seat on a street car, to let another press in, at much awkward crowding, to sit at the sunny end, that she might have the shade. It is common to see women set little children in a seat not caring that others entitled to it must stand. So they teach their children to “care chiefly for self,” and to “disregard the rights and comforts of' others.” One who practices unselfishness in such trifles (?) and to­ ward strangers of all ages and classes is not likely to be regardless of others in greater matters. There will be no self­ ishness in heaven; that is the land where all is love. There no one thinks, even, of self. Self is never the end of anything done there.' Self is lost sight of in willing the happiness of others. Therefore self is there most. rich and happy, for it always gets what it most wants, namely, the bliss of blessing. Nor can any self there be loser, since all heaven is at the same bus­ iness, and he who serves has all heaven serving him. We may have the best side of heaven (the inside) here and now by practicing unselfishness, and can afford to wait for the other side, namely, the .having others serve us in like manner. 3. Bible Examples of Selfishness. Jacob (Gen. 25:27-34; 27:41). Nabal, whose sheep and shepherds David and his men had. protected (1 Sam. 25:2-11). ‘ Ahab

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