King's Business - 1913-10

At Home and Abroad

1200 Swiss, mostly from the Bernese High­ lands, migrate to the Mormon Zion in Utah by the great Salt Lake each year. Letters which return from these emigrants are usually full of bitter disappointment and discouragement. They find themselves ex­ ploited mercilessly by their more sophisti­ cated Utah neighbors, and one of the dis­ illusioned Switzers wrote recently to a friend in Bern: “If I had learned to lie and cheat as they all do here I should perhaps suffer less from hunger.” We are informed that the number of the blind in the Indian empire is estimated at the enormous total of 500,000. And this gigantic mass of darkened faces exists in our own generation. Back of it in pre­ ceding generations, for century after cen­ tury, have been armies of the afflicted hardly less overpowering in size. For these inconceivably numerous sufferers Hindu­ ism has done nothing. Buddhism, too, has passed by on the other side, although build­ ing retreats for sick animals whom a wise mercy would have quickly put out of be­ ing. It has been left for alien Christians to make a beginning of relief work here. It is not Christian civilization but evan­ gelization and regeneration that the world .home and foreign, “Christian” and “heathen” needs. An editorial paragraph just read says: “But if the people of Africa, India, China and other lands were as care-free and contented as a well-fed, unabused dog, would that be sufficient rea­ son to ‘let them alone’? Yes, if only an animal; but no, a thousand times NO, if man is to be made like his Creator: if Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to give life and immortality to mankind; if it is true that there is no other Name given under heaven among men whereby we must .be saved.” The Modernists of the Roman Church have adopted a list of principles which are logically Protestant from first to last. Why they should at all retain the name Roman Catholic we do not see. And the Pope’s

Five, hundred students met in conference at Northfield, Mass., in June. Of these, one hundred came from Latin America, Asia and Europe. Three Chinese and sev­ eral South Americans came non-Christian and went their ways confessors of Christ. As most of our readers are aware, one of the leading Bible Conferences of the country is held each summer, under Dr. Torrey’s direction, at Montrose, Penn. That h'eld this year was the most satisfactory of all in many ways. We purpose giving an account of it in our next issue. President Yuan- Shih Kai has conferred on Mr. John Archibald, of Hankow, the agent of the National Bible Society of Scot­ land, the decoration of “Felicitous Grain,” recently instituted by the Chinese repub­ lic. this honor has been bestowed on no missionary and on few foreigners, ft seems a peculiarly felicitous mark of esteem for one engaged in scattering “the good seed of the Kingdom.” In a parlor address given in New York, by Mrs. Benjamin W. Larabee, “The Heart of the. Mohammedan Woman” was de­ scribed as: a fearful heart; a jealous heart; in impure heart; a hungry heart; a re­ sponsive heart; a grateful heart; a re­ ceptive heart. The Gospel is the only power to change, quicken and satisfy such hearts; and we do not need to cross the seas to find them, though we must bear the good news to them wherever they are. A man who had been converted from a sinful life gave this experience of his' ac­ ceptance with Jesus: “I just crept to the feet of Jesus, and, greatly to my astonish­ ment, He did not scold me—He knew I had been scolded enough; and He didn't pity me; arid He didn’t give me any ad­ vice either. He knew I had had plenty of that. He just put His arms around my neck and loved me. And when the sun arose I was a new man.” Correspondence from Bern. Switzerland, published in a French paper, declares that

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