King's Business - 1913-10



Ordination of Thomas Hannay, Jr. On Sunday afternoon, August 17th, in the First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, our beloved brother, Thomas Hannay, was ordained an evangelist by the Presbytery of Oakland. The church was crowded with young people. Dr. McAfee presided and Dr. Goodspeed, the Moderator of the Pres­ bytery, made a stirring missionary address. The charge to the evangelist was made by Mr. Horton, who took his theme from God’s call to Moses. He said: “Every-servant of God should have: “1. Divine Authority. He must be sent of God. ‘Come now therefore and I will send you.’ “2. Divine Apocalypse. A revelation ot God.. To Moses He appeared in the burn­ ing -bush. “3. Divine Ability. Conscious help from God. ‘I will be with thee.’ “4. A Divine Anointing. An unction from above: ‘I will be with thy mouth.’ “5. A Divine Attraction. Someone to lift' up and point men to. ‘I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.’ “6. A Divine Attestation. God’s seal upon his service. ‘What is that in thine hand ?’ ‘And he said, a rod.’ ” The ordination prayer was made by Dr. McAfee, Mr. Hannay’s pastor. A social farewell was held in the same church on Monday night. The pastors and friends in the church gave many manifestations of their love and esteem for Mr. and Mrs. Hannay, and they went forth with the prayers and well wishes of a great-hearted church. The Work in the North. Mr. George Hunter has continued his work in the north 'during the entire sum­ mer. There has been no abatement of in­ terest in the San Quentin Penitentiary class, and his other classes have been well at­ tended. Mr. Hunter will remain in the vicinity of San Francisco for the. present. A good many doors of service are opening to him and God is graciously owning his ministry. It would be difficult to estimate the value of the work among the men in

San Quentin. The following is taken from one of Mr. Hunter’s letters: “One man last Saturday told me he had grown up to manhood with the Bible read in his presence many, many times, but as he was the only child of wealthy people who never curbed him, but gave him all the money he asked for, he went to the bad, made and lost three fortunes, and was in San Quentin for ovedrawing his bank account when he was drunk. He was amply warned, but he had never been curb­ ed and So he took no notice and thev sent him there. He never gave the story of the Bible a second thought till he heard the series of Bible expositions that I gave there, when he became vitally concerned and is today waiting for the time to come when he will be united to his family. One of his little daughters wrote to him to this effect, ‘Daddy, we are all praying for you. Mamma, sister and I have recently become Christians and we are trying to understand God and His Book and living as ‘best we can for Him. Just waiting, for our daddy to contie home so xve can all be identified with some church work and live for Jesus.’ The result herewith mentioned came to the family .through this man writing to the wife and children of his new-found peace and urging on them the consideration of Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.” Lyceum Club. The Lord is so abundantly blessing the Lyceum Club as to make us exceedingly thankful. The club expects girls will be saved and the faith and prayers are re­ warded each week. New girls are con­ stantly added and are garrisoned by the active, wide-awake members. They recog­ nize their calling as messengers, mission­ aries and helpers, and no girl who comes in fails to realize the real heart interest and helpful friendship which is offered her and which keeps her. A woman, who claims to be an agnostic, after many private talks with a warm­ hearted worker, came to the Lyceum Club and continues to come. She assures the leader she “must not imagine her opinions

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