King's Business - 1913-10



people about I’ve been anxious about my unsaved child. Come back and I’ll help in every way and pray as you talk.” A little woman started from her home in a neighboring state, with her two children, to undergo a serious operation in Los An­ geles. On the train, her little eleven months old daughter died in her arms— the little, girl they had longed for through many years. God took her. In deep sad­ ness the young mother entered the hos­ pital, underwent the major operation and was found by one of the Bible Women who was hunting just such strangers and who gained access to her by bringing a beauti­ ful bunch of carnations into her room. It was found she had no Saviour and was entirely ignorant of the Way. Her dearest friend at home was a pronounced Scientist and believer in Mrs, Eddy and this little woman had determined in her great need of some help to investigate Eddyism on her return home. Our Lord has been very gracious in this case and has led the sor­ rowing little mother into a place of peace, joy and rejoicing in her accepted Saviour. Her face is now bright and full of light and her testimony clear as she declared, before leaving for home, that all her sor­ row and pain was nothing as compared with what she had received from God through the timely help of a faithful mes­ senger. A Bible Institute Song We are glad to note and commend the new hymn book,. “The Voice of Thanksgiv­ ing,’’ prepared by Dr. Towner, Musical Di­ rector of the Moody Bible Institute, and published by the Revel Co., Chicago. It is adapted for all kinds of evangelical meet­ ings. We print, by permission, one of the new songs, by our Mr. Sammis, of which Dr. Towner writes us: “You ought to hear it sung here by the Institute. It is certainly a winner and as that (2 Tim. 2:15) is the motto of the Institute it will be perpetuated through the life of the school without any doubt.”

have changed, just because she seems in­ terested and is reading each Gospel daily as fast -as the book is indicated.” It is one of the funny cases, but we are satis­ fied with her progress as we see her shin­ ing face responding to the .words of the teacher each night and See her waiting for the parting word at the close. Our Father has some peculiar children, who come ■ to Him in their own fashion and are caught to His heart before they are fully con­ scious. We believe this dear little woman will become really happy very soon, when she becomes awake to the close, enveloping love of her Saviour. Bible Women’s Notes. A man and wife, for whom many pray­ ers have been offered, have been brought to an interest in the Book and its prophe­ cies in the most peculiar way. With abso­ lutely no knowledge of the Scriptures or interest in them, they were awakened by hearing that God had a plan operating through all the ages, that every age was but a different method of action and God would surely fulfill His purposes regard­ ing the world, the Church and the Jewish people. After many questions the wife said she wanted to be saved. The husband, we hope, will soon be equally concerned, anx­ ious and honest, surrendering his will to God and submitting his life to the guid­ ance of the Holy Spirit. One of our Bible Women, while talking to a young girl in her home, was rather rudely accosted by the incoming mother of the girl and told that the ironing must be finished at once. The girl was tender and interested, so much so that it seemed hard to be interrupted, but the worker politely withdrew. At the corner, the mother quick­ ly overtook her with, “What were you talking to my girl about?” Upon being told, the woman was overcome and said, “For years I have been praying for the child, and now I have hindered His work. Come back soon, very soon, and forgive me, but there are so many white slave

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