King's Business - 1913-10



is a real man. Red biood flows in his veins. Men love him in his own city, men of every station of life look upon him as the real exponent of Christianity. When he goes among the cowboys of West Texas for the, camp meeting, men come for a hundred miles to hear the Gospel and go away rejoicing in a Saviour. Innumerable calls come from all over this and other lands for his services. Great churches have called him in vain. In his own church he preaches to three thousand people each Sunday and his Sunday school numbers twenty-six hundred. The parasite of ambi­ tion has not found lodgment with him. He has been immune to the money germ. Dr. Truett is not a perfect man, but he comes as near as any man we have ever known, exemplifying the trite saying, “It remains to be seen what God can do through one man who is wholly conse­ crated to Him.” His heart is big and he is very approachable and the tide turns in toward his life, and he gives himself unsparingly to the personal work of win­ ning souls and comforting the saints. Those who know him intimately are aware that back in his life history there is the shadow of a great sorrow which has had much to do with deepening the channels and mould­ ing his fife. With him, living for Christ and his fellowmeri is real living. We thank God for this man and bespeak in his be­ half the earnest prayers of God's people. Socrates w as condemned to end his life by. a draught of poison-hemlock. Hemlock is, thus, a Symbol not of death alone but of judicial death. To sin’s death-cup is added the gall, the bitterness ot remorse and the expectation of eternal judgment. The cup of Socrates, whose conscience was void of offense to the State, lacked the gall, but Christ," for us, drank both hemlock and gall. See page 464

At Home and Abroad Concluded from page 488 A Great Preacher.

For a long time friends in Los Angeles have been hoping that Rev. Geo. W. Truett, D. D., of Dallas, Texas, would be led of the Lord to visit the coast, and their wish was gratified this summer. For two weeks a.t the Long Beach Summer Conference and for three Sundays in the Auditorium of this city, this servant of the Lord gave forth the message of Life to hungry hearts. If there lurked in anyone’s mind a thought that the. Gospel of Christ has lost any of its flavor or that men and women want something else in its place, let such an one listen to the testimony of the thousands who crowded into every place in which he spoke. Although it was summer and many were on their vacations, the people cared more for his message than for any of the entertainments, good as they were. At the eleven o’clock meeting people were stand­ ing and phtiently waiting for words of Life. People do not ask from whence .is the power of this man—they know. They know that it is not the power of oratory: There is not the first suspicion of sensa­ tionalism; there are no funny- stories; there is nothing pedantic; in fact you do not think of the man when he speaks, you think of the message. God the Father and Christ the Saviour and the Holy Spirit loom big in your vision. Righteousness seems radiant and sin awful. You wonder how anyone can be unconvinced. Convic­ tion takes hold of your soul; you feel that in some way the breath of God has touched the words. You are under the spell of an unseen power. This man is a combination of John the Baptist and John the beloved. He uses the big two-edged sword with mighty thrusts and yet you feel that it is held by the hand of a friend. Dr. Truett

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