Elite Physical Therapy August 2017

An Opioid Alternative

Responding to a National Epidemic

painkillers. The CDC reports that over 1,000 Americans are treated in emergency rooms every day for misusing their prescribed opioids, with tens of thousands of opioid overdose deaths occurring every year. As a country, we’re starting to realize that there needs to be a better way to treat pain. Physical therapy is a great alternative to many opioid prescriptions. Both acute and chronic injuries can be treated with physical therapy. Opioids are typically used to mask or reduce pain, but physical therapy tries to address the causes of pain and work to reduce those affects. At Elite Physical Therapy, we can develop a treatment plan for you based on your unique symptoms. We’ll help you regain mobility, build strength, and improve function. Injuries, both new and old, can recover, and

even chronic pain can be managed with physical therapy. By addressing the imbalances caused by injury and pain, your body’s own healing properties can kick in, giving you long-lasting pain relief, without the need for addictive pain medication. Opioids may have a use in some medical situations, but they should not be the first choice to address pain. The public and the media are becoming more and more aware of the opioid problem in our state and country. As a community, state, and nation, we need to address this epidemic head-on. Physical Therapy can be an effective way to treat pain by addressing its underlying issues. Talk to your healthcare provider about alternatives to opioids. Then, contact Elite Physical Therapy for a plan that’s tailor-made for you.

There’s been an explosion in opioid use in the United States in recent years; the number of opioid prescriptions nationwide have quadrupled since 1999. Although opioids can have a role in treating pain, the CDC is now recommending a non-opioid approach to pain treatment. The risks of opioid use are very high; 4 out of 5 heroin users started their addiction with prescription

Avocado and Cucumber Cold Soup

Summer may be drawing to a close, but the heat doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere soon. Cool off with this light, cold soup and enjoy those last few sunny summer afternoons!

Ingredients • Olive oil •

1 clove garlic

6 stalks spring onions

¾ teaspoon salt

1 jalapeno

2 medium ripe avocados, halved

½ teaspoon black pepper

1 lemon, juiced

1 large cucumber, halved

½ cup cold water

Directions 1. Preheat grill to medium-high. 2. Coat halved avocados

5. Once smooth, portion soup into bowls and

3. Grill vegetables until everything is grilled or slightly charred. Once grilled, remove and place on platter to cool. 4. Chop grilled veggies and puree with lemon juice, cold water, garlic, salt, and black pepper.

refrigerate to cool before serving.

with lemon juice to avoid browning. Brush olive oil over avocados, cucumber, spring onions, and jalapeno. Oil grill while hot.

6. Garnish with toasted

cubed bread, avocados, spring onions, chives, lemon zest, or a drizzle of olive oil, if desired.

Recipe inspired by kirantarun.com.

Elite PT • (318) 443-3311 • 3

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