


Frank Seier East Rockaway UFSD

Mr. Frank Seier has been with East Rockaway Schools for about 20 years and has seen the district through a variety of initiatives and improvements. Twenty years is impressive by any measure, but in “tech years” it speaks volumes. Mr. Seier’s knowledge and passion for infrastructure, capable devices, safety/ security, and cutting edge technology has served as a catalyst for the student success and engagement we’re seeing throughout our classrooms. He is truly East Rockaway’s NASTAR!

to share with her colleagues. Her lessons are creative, dynamic, engaging, and purposeful. Ms. Swicord was a member of the panel to vet new interactive whiteboard technology, infused KidOyo to support coding during library media center, and will coach the Kramer Lane Koders, the school’s very own hackathon team! She is also vital to the success of the 1:1 Google Chromebook initiative at Kramer Lane as the point person for troubleshooting and support. Ms. Swicord is a valued member of the Bethpage school community and a NASTAR!

Maria Sidor Locust Valley CSD

Ms. Maria Sidor is an integral part to our Locust Valley Elementary community. She assists teachers and students with integrating and using technology each and every day. Ms. Sidor is a life-long learner who is always willing to help out and take on challenges. Her willingness and positive attitude when assisting the district with everything tech related, from a/v set-ups to helping out with our KidOyo hackathon teams, is appreciated by all. She is the epitome of a ‘tech rock star’ in Locust Valley and a NASTECH NASTAR!

Christine Talbot North Merrick UFSD

Ms. Christine Talbot has been recognized for her efforts to integrate instructional technologies and research-based STEAM projects to promote inquiry- based learning. She has chaired several technology committees and action teams within the district that involved the collaboration and shared decision-making of key educational and community stakeholders. She provides district-wide staff development, leading teachers to integrate current instructional technology tools in the classroom to increase student engagement and achievement. Ms. Talbot has supported her colleagues’ professional growth and empowered teachers to feel motivated and successful as they enter the next generation in education . North Merrick is proud to recognize her as a NASTECH NASTAR!

Andrea Swicord Bethpage UFSD

Ms. Andrea Swicord is innovative and one of the first to be willing to try and infuse a new tool to support teaching and learning at Kramer Lane Elementary School and

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