3.0 EXTERNAL RELATIONS EXCELLENCE Amplify the profile of the organization across key audiences and foster critical relations with partners already connected to the organization to increase investment in the organization’s successes. ACTIONS FOCUS AREA OUTCOMES YEAR 1: 2022-2023 YEAR 2: 2023-2024 YEAR 3: 2024-2025 3.1 Partnership Opportunities Strategic partnerships with other organizations to Evaluation of the market for value proposition for PALS and opportunity identification. Partnership priorities and as- sessment criteria. Two new high-value partner relationships that meet clear strategic ends.

leverage resources and to open more opportunities.

3.2 Part - ner/Funder Relationship Management Planning

Intentional relationship management that is critical to PALS’ long-term success and considering what “relationship management” strate-gies can be explored and assigned.

Stakeholder map with critical/priority relationship plans based on stakeholder value to PALS outcomes.

Create relationship manage- ment lanes for board, staff and “champions” to advance outcomes. Refine training and upskilling for relationship management with “empowering” frame- work for relationship responsiveness. Launch 2023 campaign, activating alumni, tutors, etc with a goal of embedding PALS’ persona in the broader community. Reactive and proactive PR activations for issues and opportunities. Ongoing monitoring and reporting through PR dash- board to assess impact.

Assessment of relationship retention and growth.

Perception Audit/ Stakeholder Audit.

Create relationship management tracking system for knowledge transfer.

3.3 Public Relations

Show up more noticeably on the Edmonton landscape for donors, clients, and partners and be recognized for delivering top- quality programming.

Top priority: 40 th anniversary amplification plan while the time is ripe. Build inventory of public relations messages, materials, and train staff/board on delivery and media relations to support anniversary and post-anniversary PR efforts. Develop and train the staff and board team on PR tools and techniques.

Refresh and refine digital channels, messaging, and assess growth impact from previous efforts. Determine new channels for PR amplification and ‘self-mediated’ channels implemented.

PALS Strategic Plan: 2022—2025


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