1.0 OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE (PROCESS AND INFRASTRUCTURE) Staff, volunteer and client processes and infrastructure support are in place for the best client outcomes. ACTIONS FOCUS AREA OUTCOMES YEAR 1: 2022-2023 YEAR 2: 2023-2024

YEAR 3: 2024-2025

1.1 Client Process

Exceptional end to end client experience through an efficient engagement process and program in place.

Understanding client needs (feedback from community). Full journey map created and value identified (from first contact to intake to offload) Development of a comprehen- sive client engagement process plan complete.

Implementation of an updated volunteer program including refined processes are in place (includes volunteer recruit - ment; training; management and volunteer stewardship; and recognition practices). Implementation of an updated volunteer program including refined processes are in place . (includes volunteer recruit - ment; training; management and volunteer stewardship and recognition practices).

Digital platforms and tools in place to manage and strengthen client processes and relationships.

1.2 Volunteer Process

PALS is equipped with an effective volunteer process and program that manages and supports volunteers successfully.

Review of best practices and current guidelines completed

Implementation of a digital platform that includes volunteer management plan processes.

to manage and support volunteers effectively.

Volunteer journey is mapped and efficiencies identified. Development of a volunteer management strategy and program based on research and mapping completed. (includes: volunteer recruit - ment; training; management and volunteer stewardship; and recognition practices, guides, and guidelines).

PALS Strategic Plan: 2022—2025


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