Never Too Late - November 2022

Neighbors Care Alliance

By Becky Noel , ENVP Program Director Eastside Neighbors Volunteer Program (ENVP) began serving the community in 2004, and we have grown leaps and bounds since then. We serve clients who live within the boundaries of Swan-Houghton Roads and Tanque Verde- Irvington Roads, and it seems the need for our services is never-ending. I did not realize how great the need was for “neighbors helping neighbors” until I became the ENVP’s Program Director. Usually, the summer months slow down for us, but this summer had us going full throttle! Between the pandemic remnants, economic challenges, and an aging neighborhood, we provided near record services to 190 clients. Volunteers drove more than 7,500 miles ensuring that our client’s basic needs are being met. For a small non-profit organization of concerned citizens, that’s pretty amazing! Though we are not able to provide assistance to everyone who contacts us, we try hard to provide referrals to organizations and other NCA programs that can be of help and support.

Becky Noel, ENVP’s Program Director

To learn more about ENVP , or to volunteer, please visit our website, or call us at (520) 245-4729 , or email at . faithful service. And we look forward to soon welcoming back our snowbird volunteers also. met together in person since 2019. In fact, many volunteers have never even met one another. Our appreciation event will be a time to make new acquaintances, strengthen friendships, and demonstrate our thanks for our volunteers’

Off to the doctor! ENVP volunteers provide transportation for their neighbors.

Going to get groceries! ENVP volunteers help neighbors with grocery shopping.

attracted 13 new volunteers in the past three months—more than we typically recruit in a year! We have also added a new staff position, the Phone Coordinator, to effectively manage communications with volunteers, clients, and community members. We welcomed Linda Lagen into this role, and she has been a great asset to the team, and she caught right on! ENVP is currently planning our volunteer appreciation event for later this Fall. Due to COVID-19, volunteers have not

Like so many organizations that rely on volunteers, the summer months can be very hard as many volunteers leave town to escape the heat. We always need more volunteers, and have found that social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Alignable, LinkedIn, and Volunteer Match have helped our recruitment efforts. And we invite you to follow our Facebook Page, www.! We also invested in a new website,, which is worth its weight in gold. The new website

November 2022, Never Too Late | Page 27

Pima Council on Aging

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