Loughborough University - Project Manager

Our Strategic Drivers

Sport, health & wellbeing • We will use our world-lead- ing research and innovation in sport and exercise to de- liver benefits to the world of sport and improvements to public health. • We will ensure all our stu- dents appreciate and can ac- cess the benefits of healthy lifestyle for themselves and others. • We will advance and apply our knowledge and under- standing of the links be- tween exercise, nutrition, physical and mental health to improve wellbeing across diverse communities. • We will be internationally recognized for our contri- butions to realizing physical

Climate change and net zero • We will grow our research and innovation capacity, in areas such as clean energy and the circular economy, to enable the university to play a leading international role in responding to the climate emergency. • We will develop students who have a high degree of climate change awareness and carbon literacy so that they can take responsibili- ty for sustainable actions in themselves and others. • We will help diverse commu- nities around the globe adapt and prosper in a changing world climate. • We will bring together our creative, analytical and tech-

and mental health benefits from sport and exercise. • We will build on our global position in sport and exer- cise to drive, innovate and impact sport, health and wellbeing both nationally and internationally. • We will seek and engage strategic partnerships that will amplify our impact on sport and help deliver en- hanced benefits to health and wellbeing. • We will create and active and accessible environment that enables sporting talent to flourish and benefits the physical and mental wellbe- ing of our staff, students and partners.

nological expertise to accel- erate a reduction of global emissions. • We will use our expertise and influence to help sport - ing policy makers and or- ganisations in their transition to net zero. • We will seek and engage strategic partnerships that will strengthen our response to the climate emergency and help accelerate pro- gress towards net zero. • We will engage staff, devel- op our estate, and change working practices to achieve net zero emissions from our own operations. Vibrant and inclusive com- munities

• We will bring together cre- ative and communication skills alongside analytical and technological approach- es to find novel solutions to societal issues such as wealth inequality, the spread of disinformation and inter- national security. • We will ensure that our life-shaping student expe- rience develops individuals who have a positive influ - ence across diverse com- munities, improving society and enriching cultures. • We will spotlight and ad- dress concerns and ine- qualities faced by a diverse range of people, with impact spanning local and interna- tional communities.

of knowledge and expertise on global societal and cul- tural issues, informing pol- icy-makers, the public and the world’s media. • We will harness our pre-em- inence in sport to engage people, across all aspects of diversity, in the benefits of physical activity. • We will seek and engage strategic partnerships to am- plify our impact on societal and cultural issues. • We will create an environ- ment where interdiscipli- nary research and innova- tion teams can flourish and ensure that Loughborough University is anti-discrimi- natory, diverse and inclusive – creating a culture where everyone feels they belong.

• We will be a trusted source

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