2023OW AnnualReport FlippingBook

Expanding Possibilities


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Expanding possibilities

Since our beginning in 1970, we have been rooted in the belief of providing affordable, quality health care to our community. Today, we have evolved into an organization dedicated to expanding possibilities in every area of our work. OneWorld began as a single location with a vision to address the diverse needs of our community. Throughout the years, we have continued to prioritize our community’s needs and dedicated ourselves to taking our services to the next level so more individuals and families can live healthy lives. In 2023, we committed ourselves to a plan that would not only improve our services but also elevate our impact on the lives of those we serve. However, our commitment to expanding possibilities does not end there. We continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, focusing on the growth and development of our patients, services and staff. For our patients, this means more than just access to health care – it means breaking down barriers and providing care that meets their unique needs. For our services, it means innovating and adapting to ensure that we are delivering the highest quality care possible. And for our staff, it means creating a supportive and inclusive environment where they can grow personally and professionally. At OneWorld, we believe that expanding possibilities is about more than just providing health care – it is about inspiring positive social change and creating healthier communities. It is about recognizing that change starts with us – when we work together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Andrea Skolkin Chief Executive Officer

Our Mission

To partner with the community to provide access to quality health care services for all people.

Our Vision

To be a respected, trusted and inclusive organization, providing care and promoting well-being in the communities we serve.

Our Values

Inclusion We are intentionally inclusive of all people . Compassion We act with kindness. Access We believe in caring for all people. Relationships We are committed to building trustworthy relationships. Excellence We are dedicated to providing superior quality services.


Unique Patients 51,913



Patients by PAYER




Medicare or dual eligible Private insurance





Patients by AGE







Patients by % FEDERAL POVERTY LEVEL with known income



Over 200%




100% & below


80 zip codes Unique patients from over in Nebraska and Iowa









56 Distinct Languages Providing Quality Services in


Total Visits 182,114





65,437 Vaccine doses given

124,075 Medical visits

162,830 Prescriptions filled

1,091 Babies born

1,745 Prenatal patients

10,701 Behavioral health visits

24,179 Dental visits

4,491 Uninsured children

WIC participants 7,629

23,159 Patient support visits

3,970 School-Based Health Center patients

Learning Community Center participants 1,022


Expanding possibilities for patients


Empowering independence for generations to come

When Social Services Supervisor, Idania Ramirez, and Social Worker, Joanna Roman, met Sara*, she had recently moved to Omaha from Nicaragua with her three children hoping to get better health care for her daughter with high medical needs. Sara’s daughter uses a wheelchair, is nonverbal and has seizures. Ramirez and Roman began working with the family to address Sara’s daughter’s health care needs. As they spent more time with the family, Sara opened up and shared she was experiencing partner violence. Sara also needed legal help later on in the year, so she reached out to Roman who connected her to legal resources and helped set up supports for her three children. Flash forward to the beginning of 2024, and Sara is independently navigating employment, housing and her daughter’s health care plan. “We helped Sara navigate a lot, and her trust in us allowed us to do so,” said Ramirez. “Now that her daughter has Medicaid, they don’t have to worry about affording her next appointment or her medications. Sara also grew a lot as a person and as a mom, so she can make more informed decisions to help herself and her children.” The OneWorld Social Services team helps address patient needs with the ultimate goal of

empowering patients to be self-sufficient and able to advocate for themselves. In order to understand a patient’s current situation, it is important to learn about all aspects and conditions of the patient’s life that impact their health, otherwise known as the social determinants of health (SDOH). The social services team serves as the primary group for assessing SDOH. The team utilizes the Protocol for Responding to & Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks & Experiences (PRAPARE) tool anytime they meet with a patient. The tool assesses health care needs, family and home life, financial resources, social and emotional health and personal goals and wishes. “Our goal with PRAPARE is that our patients can focus

medication,” said Ramirez. “We help alleviate those stresses so they can focus on their health.” In 2023, the team completed 2,550 PRAPARE screenings. While the information is formally submitted as a questionnaire, each team member memorized the tool so they can have a more comfortable, natural conversation with patients. All members of the social services team speak English and Spanish. This allows Spanish-speaking patients to use their primary language when meeting with the team, adding another level of comfortability and trust. Interpreters are used for other languages.

on their medical visits and not worry about

where their next meal is coming

from or if they can afford their

Social Services Supervisor, Idania Ramirez, speaks with patients over the phone.


OneWorld Social Services team members discuss their patients’ social determinants of health.

In addition to screening patients who are referred to social services or who walk-in to the social services office, the team screens prenatal patients during their first appointments and those coming in for a newborn visit. “These are two very vulnerable populations, and we want to make sure that prenatal patients have their basic needs met so they can focus on their pregnancy, and newborn babies are living in a safe living environment with heat, running water and electricity,” said Ramirez. After assessing each patient, the team connects them to OneWorld and community resources and provides case management as needed. Oftentimes, patients go to the social services team with one

need in mind, but the PRAPARE assessment reveals additional areas of need. “I have run into situations where families need rent assistance, and our screening will reveal that they also have limited food at home,” said Roman. “We are able to immediately help them with food access through our own small food pantry and then help them with food-assistance programs and community food pantries before they leave our office.” While the PRAPARE screening identifies areas of need, it also highlights the strengths of each patient and their personal goals. “We are a strengths-based profession,” said Jair Alvarez, Social Worker. “We look at education, employment and social connections to determine what community resources will

most benefit them and help them be self-sufficient.” Many of the patients the team works with have complex challenges, often due to systemic barriers. By offering support and actively helping patients, the OneWorld Social Services team empowers patients to overcome situations and gives them the skills and confidence they need to navigate challenges in the future to benefit their families. “Being the support for them changes their lives in the long- term,” said Ramirez. “Our team is here for patients, knowing that our services will positively change the lives of our patients and their families for generations to come, helping our community thrive.”

*Name changed to protect the patient’s privacy.


Expanding possibilities for services

Traditional Behavioral Health Therapist, Brittney Swain, LIMHP, CPC, LADC, speaks to a patient.

A new primary intervention for mental health

Increasing access to behavioral health services continues to be a priority for OneWorld. In 2023, OneWorld began offering traditional behavioral health therapy as a primary intervention. With traditional therapy, patients are able to use longer-term therapy as part of their medical treatment plan, eliminating the need for referrals that were often dropped due to barriers including language, insurance and transportation. “Traditional therapy is a big step forward for OneWorld, especially for treating trauma,” said Genevieve Sanchez-Hidalgo, LIMHP, Associate Director of Behavioral Health. “Medication can treat symptoms, but with therapy as a primary intervention, we can directly help patients improve their mental health.”

The addition of multiple behavioral therapists allowed OneWorld to increase capacity while continuing OneWorld’s short-term

and integrated care models along with Medication- Assisted Treatment.

Traditional Behavioral Health Therapist, Jasmine Torres-Perez, PLMHP, speaks to a patient.


Kevin Heeb, PLMHP, serves as the primary behavioral health therapist at Millard South High School.

Normalizing mental health for teens

As the teen mental health crisis continues to worsen in Nebraska, it is more important than ever to provide resources and support for adolescents. OneWorld began offering behavioral health services in the counseling center at Millard South High School in order to be a direct resource for struggling teens. Kevin Heeb, PLMHP, serves as the primary behavioral health therapist at Millard South. He works directly with the school’s social work team to identify students who would benefit from

therapy including students who miss a lot of school, are frequently suspended or who have a history of behavior problems. “This service helps normalize mental health and makes therapy extremely accessible,” said Genevieve Sanchez- Hidalgo, LIMHP, Associate Director of Behavioral Health. “If you start care earlier, you are more likely to prevent long-term problems, so we are helping set students up to be functional and successful in school and beyond.”

This service helps normalize mental health and makes therapy extremely accessible.” “ Genevieve Sanchez-Hidalgo, LIMHP, Associate Director of Behavioral Health


OneWorld’s Pediatric Dental Clinic officially opened in March 2023.

Spencer Burton, DDS,

Associate Director of Pediatric Dental Services.

Investing in the future of oral health

The need for pediatric dental services has historically been greater than resources can accommodate. In March 2023, OneWorld’s Pediatric Dental Clinic officially opened, furthering OneWorld’s commitment to provide access to quality dental care for children in the Greater Omaha area. “Our pediatric dental clinic

provides access to education and gets children involved in their oral health care,” said Spencer Burton, DDS, Associate Director of Pediatric Dental Services. “Establishing good habits in childhood goes a long way in preventing oral health problems in adulthood.” The clinic is designed to reduce anxiety and promote a comfortable environment to help

normalize dental care and make visits positive experiences. In addition to the new clinic, Dr. Burton performs oral surgery under anesthesia for children with extensive treatment needs, special health care needs or behavioral needs through partnerships with Children’s Nebraska and Boys Town. In 2023, Dr. Burton completed oral surgery for 115 children.


At the Learning Community Center of South Omaha, parents can learn and play with their children.

A firm foundation for success in education

Throughout 2023, the Learning Community Center of South Omaha, a partnership between

average range for executive functioning skills. Children’s math and reading scores increased significantly. In addition to increasing scores, the center expanded to include arts education through partnerships with local nonprofits and held the first Family Summer Camp since 2019. The center is also seeing an increase in quality of parent/child interactions in the areas of relationship building, learning promotion

and supporting confidence, affirming that each family

who finishes their work at the center leaves with a firm foundation for success.

OneWorld and the Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties, helped over 330 parents and 690 children pursue different educational opportunities and strengthen their English language skills and family bonds. The team’s efforts for early childhood education resulted in 96% of children in the program scoring in the

Early childhood education is the

focus at the Learning Community Center of South Omaha.


OneWorld opened the Park Avenue office for administration space and the outreach team in April 2023.

Bridging access and health care In April 2023, OneWorld opened a new Outreach Center on Park Avenue to create a hub for connection “This space gives our team an identity,” said Vivian Garcia, Minority Health healthy relationships and hang out in their free time. “This space promotes

Outreach Manager. “We are now more accessible and able to help our community in more ways.” The space is home to OneWorld’s teen youth council, Omaha Teen Generation. Members of the group use the space as a safe place to learn about

trust and belonging, which are vital for adolescents,” said Luis Vazquez, Adolescent Health Outreach Manager. “It really speaks to the community aspect of community health and helping future generations invest in themselves and others.”

to health care and other resources. The outreach team provides health screenings for conditions including diabetes and hypertension, hosts diabetes prevention classes and connects community members to other resources.

our community in more ways.” “ Vivian Garcia, Minority Health Outreach Manager

This space gives our team an identity. We are now more accessible and able to help


OneWorld Pharmacists, Elizabeth Marquez, PharmD, and Amy Schafer, PharmD, lead the medication packaging program.

Simplifying patient medication management

When medications are not taken as prescribed or forgotten, they cannot work to help improve a patient’s health. OneWorld Pharmacy’s Medication Unit-dose Packaging Program simplifies medication management by packaging all of a patient’s prescriptions into individual pouches by date and time for 1-3 months at a time.

“A lot of our patients have complex prescription regimens, and these medication packs remove the guess work, worry and mental strain that medication management requires,” said Elizabeth Marquez, PharmD, Pharmacist. “We want to help our patients get to a point where they are managing their medications effectively

and obtaining positive clinical outcomes.” The program is available to OneWorld patients at no additional cost. While the program grew to nearly 150 patients in 2023, the pharmacy team continues to customize the pouches to increase accessibility for non-English speakers and individuals who cannot read.


Increasing access to preventative care For many low-income

and uninsured individuals, preventative care, such as colonoscopy screenings, is not feasible due to cost. In 2023, OneWorld, in partnership with Nebraska Medicine at Bellevue Medical Center, provided access to colonoscopy screenings for more than 70 uninsured patients with a positive fecal occult blood test, symptoms and/or family history. Patients in this program complete their screenings within 1-2 months on average, overcoming the availability barrier that exists for gastrointestinal health care in the state of Nebraska. OneWorld staff work directly with each patient to address all aspects of care including transportation, interpretation and translation services.

OneWorld staff partnered with Nebraska Medicine to help patients receive colonoscopy screenings.

Nebraska Medicine waives the fees for each colonoscopy screening they complete. “We are completing more colonoscopies, especially amongst Hispanic males, and

that is a great indicator that our patients trust us and are seeing the importance of these procedures,” said Susana Reyes Sanchez, Associate Director of Operations.

Overcoming barriers for vulnerable populations When it comes to overcoming homelessness,

OneWorld and the Stephen Center work together to create individualized health care plans and take action steps to ensure every patient’s plan is in motion by helping with Medicaid applications, medication

health care is often neglected. OneWorld partnered with the Stephen Center to open a medical clinic inside the Stephen Center to increase access to health care for people experiencing homelessness. In its first operating-year, the clinic provided family medicine services for over 450 patients, added two additional clinic days and started a psychiatry clinic through a partnership with Creighton University psychiatric residents that OneWorld’s Psychiatrist, Shannon Kinnan, MD, oversees. “Bringing services in-house to this vulnerable population helps bridge the gap and make up for lost time that they weren’t able to focus on their health,” said Cody Thorson, PA-C, Physician Assistant.

delivery from the OneWorld Pharmacy, patient support case management and more.

Cody Thorson, PA-C, Physician Assistant, works at the Stephen Center Clinic.


Expanding possibilities for staff

Fostering growth through new perspectives OneWorld welcomed three new members to the executive leadership team in 2023. These individuals bring new expertise and perspectives to help OneWorld continue to provide quality care for the Greater Omaha community.

Mayhew joined OneWorld as the Operations Director in 2016. Through her time in this position, she established outreach and home-visit vaccination services during the Covid-19 pandemic, helped with 12 building construction and renovation projects, increased access to specialty services and care for patients and strengthened OneWorld’s social work capacity. Her initiative and drive will ensure OneWorld patients and the community at large have access to essential health care. Jennifer Mayhew, Chief Administration Officer Dr. Ostdiek has been a physician for over 25 years, and has worked in the Community Health Center setting for the last seven years. Dr. Ostdiek holds professional affiliations with the American Association for Physician Leadership, the American Academy of Family Physicians and the Nebraska Academy of Family Physicians. Dr. Ostdiek is focused on building trust with OneWorld patients and the Omaha community at large and seeking thoughtful solutions to address the barriers and challenges OneWorld patients face. William Ostdiek, MD, Chief Medical Officer

Dean Wilson, MBA, Chief Financial Officer

Prior to joining OneWorld, Wilson served as the Chief Financial Officer at Council Bluffs Community School District and held multiple financial leadership roles at Mosaic. Wilson is a proven leader and has qualifications in financial management, process design and development, business planning and treasury management. His extensive experience in accounting and finance are essential to OneWorld’s financial wellness and ability to provide quality care for 51,913 unique patients.

Mayhew, Dr. Ostdiek and Wilson’s leadership is fueled by a passion to help their community access quality health care, and a belief that we should not stop at making things possible, but continue to expand possibilities so our community can thrive.


OneWorld’s Medical Assistant Apprenticeship Program allows medical assistants to earn their Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) certification.

Cultivating a culture of career advancement

OneWorld’s Medical Assistant Apprenticeship Program opened the doors for OneWorld Medical Assistants to earn their Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) certifications. This certification increases participants’ medical knowledge and critical thinking skills, allowing them to provide higher quality care for OneWorld patients. The program, funded by the Health Center Association of Nebraska and Direct Relief, is hosted online by the National Healthcareer Association and is an integral component of OneWorld’s new Pathways Program. Participants complete

17 modules at their own pace, and once completed, take the official CCMA exam. “This program has been great for our employees,” said Amari Ware, MSN/MBA, RN, Clinical Education and Regulatory Manager. “I had one participant who was so grateful and said that between work and kids she never thought she would be able to get her certificate, but this program gave her that opportunity.” Since the program began, over 30 medical assistants have earned their certificates. Once participants earn their certificates, they also receive

a pay increase to reflect their hard work in earning their certification. Ware said she is hopeful that every OneWorld health assistant will have the opportunity to complete the apprenticeship program. “We have noticed an increase in autonomy and confidence in our medical assistants as a result of this program,” said Tania Murrell, BSN, RN, AMB-BC, Associate Director of Nursing. “They are better equipped to think independently and be confident about their skills when helping our patients which in turn results in better patient care.”


Financials *

*These are initial numbers. Numbers may vary upon review.





Patient Revenue Grants & Contracts Contributions Other







Salaries & Benefits Building Patient Expenses Professional Services


Depreciation Other




Salaries & Benefits

Patient Revenue Grants & Contracts






Patient Expenses




Professional Services









Your support is life changing.

We are grateful for the support of our community as we continue to find new ways to expand possibilities. Prioritizing access to quality care is a critical piece in the pursuit of health equity and creating healthier communities. We are committed to providing quality health care for our patients and the Greater Omaha community. We look forward to continuing to build a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. When we expand possibilities, we can Care for All People.


The Power of



(402) 734-4110 | oneworldomaha.org

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