2023OW AnnualReport FlippingBook

Empowering independence for generations to come

When Social Services Supervisor, Idania Ramirez, and Social Worker, Joanna Roman, met Sara*, she had recently moved to Omaha from Nicaragua with her three children hoping to get better health care for her daughter with high medical needs. Sara’s daughter uses a wheelchair, is nonverbal and has seizures. Ramirez and Roman began working with the family to address Sara’s daughter’s health care needs. As they spent more time with the family, Sara opened up and shared she was experiencing partner violence. Sara also needed legal help later on in the year, so she reached out to Roman who connected her to legal resources and helped set up supports for her three children. Flash forward to the beginning of 2024, and Sara is independently navigating employment, housing and her daughter’s health care plan. “We helped Sara navigate a lot, and her trust in us allowed us to do so,” said Ramirez. “Now that her daughter has Medicaid, they don’t have to worry about affording her next appointment or her medications. Sara also grew a lot as a person and as a mom, so she can make more informed decisions to help herself and her children.” The OneWorld Social Services team helps address patient needs with the ultimate goal of

empowering patients to be self-sufficient and able to advocate for themselves. In order to understand a patient’s current situation, it is important to learn about all aspects and conditions of the patient’s life that impact their health, otherwise known as the social determinants of health (SDOH). The social services team serves as the primary group for assessing SDOH. The team utilizes the Protocol for Responding to & Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks & Experiences (PRAPARE) tool anytime they meet with a patient. The tool assesses health care needs, family and home life, financial resources, social and emotional health and personal goals and wishes. “Our goal with PRAPARE is that our patients can focus

medication,” said Ramirez. “We help alleviate those stresses so they can focus on their health.” In 2023, the team completed 2,550 PRAPARE screenings. While the information is formally submitted as a questionnaire, each team member memorized the tool so they can have a more comfortable, natural conversation with patients. All members of the social services team speak English and Spanish. This allows Spanish-speaking patients to use their primary language when meeting with the team, adding another level of comfortability and trust. Interpreters are used for other languages.

on their medical visits and not worry about

where their next meal is coming

from or if they can afford their

Social Services Supervisor, Idania Ramirez, speaks with patients over the phone.


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