2023OW AnnualReport FlippingBook

Kevin Heeb, PLMHP, serves as the primary behavioral health therapist at Millard South High School.

Normalizing mental health for teens

As the teen mental health crisis continues to worsen in Nebraska, it is more important than ever to provide resources and support for adolescents. OneWorld began offering behavioral health services in the counseling center at Millard South High School in order to be a direct resource for struggling teens. Kevin Heeb, PLMHP, serves as the primary behavioral health therapist at Millard South. He works directly with the school’s social work team to identify students who would benefit from

therapy including students who miss a lot of school, are frequently suspended or who have a history of behavior problems. “This service helps normalize mental health and makes therapy extremely accessible,” said Genevieve Sanchez- Hidalgo, LIMHP, Associate Director of Behavioral Health. “If you start care earlier, you are more likely to prevent long-term problems, so we are helping set students up to be functional and successful in school and beyond.”

This service helps normalize mental health and makes therapy extremely accessible.” “ Genevieve Sanchez-Hidalgo, LIMHP, Associate Director of Behavioral Health


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