2023OW AnnualReport FlippingBook

Increasing access to preventative care For many low-income

and uninsured individuals, preventative care, such as colonoscopy screenings, is not feasible due to cost. In 2023, OneWorld, in partnership with Nebraska Medicine at Bellevue Medical Center, provided access to colonoscopy screenings for more than 70 uninsured patients with a positive fecal occult blood test, symptoms and/or family history. Patients in this program complete their screenings within 1-2 months on average, overcoming the availability barrier that exists for gastrointestinal health care in the state of Nebraska. OneWorld staff work directly with each patient to address all aspects of care including transportation, interpretation and translation services.

OneWorld staff partnered with Nebraska Medicine to help patients receive colonoscopy screenings.

Nebraska Medicine waives the fees for each colonoscopy screening they complete. “We are completing more colonoscopies, especially amongst Hispanic males, and

that is a great indicator that our patients trust us and are seeing the importance of these procedures,” said Susana Reyes Sanchez, Associate Director of Operations.

Overcoming barriers for vulnerable populations When it comes to overcoming homelessness,

OneWorld and the Stephen Center work together to create individualized health care plans and take action steps to ensure every patient’s plan is in motion by helping with Medicaid applications, medication

health care is often neglected. OneWorld partnered with the Stephen Center to open a medical clinic inside the Stephen Center to increase access to health care for people experiencing homelessness. In its first operating-year, the clinic provided family medicine services for over 450 patients, added two additional clinic days and started a psychiatry clinic through a partnership with Creighton University psychiatric residents that OneWorld’s Psychiatrist, Shannon Kinnan, MD, oversees. “Bringing services in-house to this vulnerable population helps bridge the gap and make up for lost time that they weren’t able to focus on their health,” said Cody Thorson, PA-C, Physician Assistant.

delivery from the OneWorld Pharmacy, patient support case management and more.

Cody Thorson, PA-C, Physician Assistant, works at the Stephen Center Clinic.


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