Newly Diagnosed Prostate Cancer Guide


Recent studies have indicated that the risk of dying from prostate cancer is more than double in obese men when compared to men of normal weight at the time of diagnosis.

Nutrition During Cancer Treatment Maintain a healthy weight. For many men, this means avoiding weight loss by getting enough calories on a daily basis. For men who are overweight and are obese, this may mean losing some weight. If you are trying to lose weight, it should be moderate, meaning only about a pound a week. Get essential nutrients the body needs, such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water. Not only will your body function better, you will feel better. Nutrition After Cancer Proper nutrition and a prostate-healthy diet can help survivors live longer, receive more enjoyment out of life, and feel more empowered about their choices. Eating a healthy diet may help you regain strength after prostate cancer treatment. In addition, recent research suggests that making healthy food choices after active treatment may lower your risk of recurrence and help you live longer. Exercise to Fight Prostate Cancer Physical activity and exercise are crucial factors for both fighting prostate cancer and preventing recurrence. In addition, it can be important for managing your weight, maintaining muscle and bone strength, improving mental health, and helping with potential side effects of prostate cancer treatment. Walking, gardening, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, or dancing are all good examples of being active. For greater health benefits, physical activity should be of moderate or vigorous intensity that makes you breathe harder and your heart beat faster, such as running, bicycling, or swimming. Benefits of Regular Exercise During and After Cancer Treatment The side effects of prostate cancer treatment can impact your quality of life. Exercise can help: Reduce anxiety, depression, and fatigue Improve self-esteem Increase feelings of optimism Improve heart health Maintain a healthy weight Boost muscle strength and endurance Mental Health It is normal to experience a wide range of emotions if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Emotional reactions can include feelings of vulnerability, sadness, loneliness, and fear of recurrence or death. Many of these emotions fade over time, but some may develop into clinical depression, intense anxiety, or panic. Talk to your healthcare team if you are feeling depressed or emotionally distressed. Many prostate cancer survivors find valuable information and perspective from others who have “been there.” ZERO offers several peer support options, including support groups and a one-to-one MENtor program. ZERO360 can also provide emotional and psychosocial support service referrals.




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