King's Business - 1923-07


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S a notorious skeptic, was once forced to put up for the night in the same room with Penelon at a country inn. He could not fail to realize the power of the Spirit of God in Fenelon’s life. The skeptic hurried away in the morning, with the exclamation, “ Another night with that fellow and I would be a Christian in spite of myself.” Penelon was a spiritual magnet He was a true depository of the Paith. He realized that this deposit was made not to be kept, but circulated. It was held in trust. He lived it while he talked it. His life was an unanswerable argument for the divine authority of the Gospel. _g ^ B DR. FAUNCE SAID IT—NO FOOLIN’ “Evolution a Powerful Aid to Religious F a ith ”—what a strik ing headline for an article by P resident Faunce, of Brown University, in th e L iterary Digest! W hat a relief th is will be to many in these days when thousands have come home from school and college m inus th e ir Christian faith because evolutionary teaching had completely destroyed it. Dr. Faunce evidently realizes th a t something desperate must be done to save the faces of th e professors. He begins by saying th a t a large number of sincere enthusiasts are pro­ claim ing th a t hum an progress is a delusion, and are basing th e ir pessimistic and non-co-operative a ttitu d e on the baldly literal in terp retation of a few of th e obscurest texts in th e Bible. This is th e old game of trying to confuse organic evolution and human progress, and so m islead many a simple soul. We have never yet heard of an orthodox preacher who did not believe in hum an progress. Progress in human affairs is very different from evolution as a universa.1 method in creation. Evo­ lutionists are insulting th e intelligence of thousands of people when they seek to pull th e wool over th e eyes of people w ith th is argument. P residen t Faunce then tells us th e law of evolution is as old as th e New Testam ent declaration of “ first th e blade, then the ear, then th e full corn In th e ear.” And perhaps th ere are some unthinking souls who would be taken in by this, and fail to see th a t th e re is a vast difference between th e n atu ra l development of corn and th e evolving of one species from ano ther species. H undreds of centuries have witnessed no change in corn. The nine-fold chal­ lenge of Genesis 1—-“ Let each bring fo rth afte r his k in d ”— is still unanswered. This is n atu ra l development w ithin defined lim its and not organic evolution. In all seriousness P resident Faunce then tells us th a t “ th e doctrine of evolution, righ tly understood and in terp reted , is today one of th e most powerful aids to religious faith. It has delivered thousands from perplexity am ounting to despair.” This is news to us. We have heard of hundreds who have been made infidels— who have thrown away th eir Bibles and discarded th e ir belief in the g reat fundam ental teachings of Christianity—who have to rn th e h earts of devout Christian parents w ith th e ir blasphemy and then plunged into the things of th e world and th e flesh to find th e ir satisfaction. Oh th a t Dr. Faunce would tell us more about those thousands w ith whom he is acquainted who have found such re st of h eart through th eir belief in evolution! Why is it th a t the Bible is ever being held up to scorn by these professors

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