King's Business - 1923-07



THE TITHE— THE MINIMUM “That tith in g is agreeable to th e will of God is witnessed by two facts,” says Rev. A. M. F ra ser: “First- God did once set th e seal of His approval upon th e tith e when He incorporated it in th e Mosaic law. Second, nowhere in th e Bible is He represented as approv­ ing of any offering for religious uses if it amounted to less th an a ten th . The implications completely cover the ground. Inference could hardly be more conclusive. The tith e is th e m ini­ mum approved of God. Then tithing, done in th e rig h t spirit, should inure to our grow th in grace. Nay, th e a r ­ gument is a fo rtio ri: If obedience to laws which require honesty and sob­ riety and chastity and diligence and courtesy and all th a t class of virtues, entails a sp iritual blessing, how much more may we expect such blessing from obedience' to a law which requires the habitual and frequent bringing to God H imself of such things and in such measures as will keep us rem inded th a t all we have comes direct from the hand of a gracious Providence. So, then, we conclude th a t th e tith e must bring a sp iritu al blessing because it is a con­ scious effort on the p art of th e tith er to do what he believes is pleasing to God.” NOTHING SO IMPORTANT John Wesley used to repeatedly say to his young preachers, and his con­ verts: “Remember you have nothing to do, to compare in importance w ith saving souls. Therefore, spend and be spent in th is work. Observe, th a t it is not your business to preach so many times a week, or to tak e care of this or th a t society; b u t simply to save as many souls as you can, to bring as many sinners as possible to repentance; and w ith all your power to build up in .that holiness, w ithout which no man can see th e Lord.”

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we let w ater get Into th e boat, we drown. (Draw circle for world. Hake wavy lines for w ater. Draw boat. Call it Christian. Now th e Christian is in the world. Make waves go over th e boat and th e boat goes down. Let Satan get into the C hristian’s h eart, down he goes into sin.) Jesus prayed th a t we m ight keep up, and no t go down. Then Jesus prayed th a t God would help those who loved Him to preach about Him, so win many to give th eir h earts to Him. Jesus pray­ ed for every one in the whole world th a t would love Him, th a t they m ight be good followers of Him all the tim e; th a t every one of them m ight be one w ith Him, as I showed you last Sunday. (Draw over again.) Then Jesus told God th a t He wanted every one who loved Him to be w ith Him in Heaven, by and by, and have all th e wonderful blessings th a t God was going to give Him. Jesus is going to get many won­ derful and glorious things in Heaven and is going to share them all w ith us, if we love Him. Jesus said the people in th e world did no t know God bu t He did and th e disciples did, and now they were sent to tell others about how God loved all people and wanted all to be saved; Jesus could save every one th a t wanted to be saved. He wanted God to love them ju st as much as He loved His Son, Jesus. In this wonderful way every one who loves Jesus becomes one w ith God, and will have th e same glory God has in Heaven. Memory Verse. “As thou h ast sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into th e world.” John 17: 18.

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