King's Business - 1923-07


C O M M E N T—By tke Editors

life (of Jesus) is only for the few who have th e knowledge and insight th a t are necessary for th e ta sk ,’ w ithout some qualification. On th e ir decisions much more th a n documents depends. And, though an ordinary man, I w ant to have my own judgm ent about th e ir decisions. If I am n o t .to have this, then I am logically forced to accept, not the judgm ents of th e lesser schol­ ars, bu t th e highest scholars. And if Methodism is comm itted to th a t, what Methodist doctrines will remain? Soviets Love th e L iberalists Is it not ra th e r significant th a t in Red Russia where th e leaders are de­ term ined to stamp ou t v ital religion, they are tran slatin g and prin ting for circulation the w ritings of several very liberal American preachers? Dr. Gae- belein says th a t th e w ritings of an American P resbyterian bishop, who seems to be an atheist, have been tra n s­ lated and th e reviews are laudatory. T rotzky quoted th is bishop w ith g reat approval in one of his public u tte r­ ances. P ain e in th e P u lp it So powerful is th e revolt against or­ thodoxy th a t th e words of old Dr. Pea­ body, of H arvard, are more and more tru e. He said'. “ If Thomas Paine, au tho r of th e ‘Age of Reason,’ had lived in our age, he m ight have pu t his books and trac ts out under the title of Rev. Thomas Paine and occupied a pro­ fessedly Christian pulpit.” P reaching in Two Places a t Once A Philadelphia pastor has found a new use for th e radio, and h ere is a suggestion for preachers of a sound Gospel, whose churches in many quar­ ters are crowded to overflowing. Dr. McCartney, who is an exposer of lib­ eralism and a defender of evangelical faith, in order to accommodate those who cannot get into his church, ar­ ranged for another auditorium in which a radio receiving set has been es­ tablished so th a t two congregations can h ear him preach a t the same time. Oh Lord—How Long? It is certainly nauseating, even to people bu t slightly tau g h t in th e things of God, to read some of the pulpit an-

Recent statistics show th a t th ere are in th e United States 11,000,000 people who cannot speak English. Is T h a t All? Dr. A. C. Wyckoff in a recent article in th e Biblical Review says: “Fully 75 per cent of the students in our American colleges are suffering from an acute attack of unbelief.” Voice in th e W ilderness L iterary Gossip, a paper issued by H arper and B rothers, contains a review of a recent book of poems by Dr. Percy Stickney G rant, now th e famous Epis­ copal unbeliever. The reviewer sug­ gests th a t Dr. G rant is “ a voice crying in th e w ilderness” of modern ind iffer­ ence to religion, and adds th a t Dr. G rant has “ a real Ipnging for a reli­ gious revival th a t will appeal to the common sense of the present day edu­ cated men and women.” Dr. G rant may indeed be a voice crying in a wilderness, bu t his voice carries no life-giving message, and we need no revival of infidelity. Another Skull Sized Up Morning paper announces finding of a skull which some scientist says is one million years old. We fail to see why he should set th e age a t a million when he could have made it two mil­ lion ju st as well and thu s dem onstrated Says a correspondent of a well known B ritish weekly: “ I th ink it may he said w ithout fear of contradiction th a t th e largest congregations in England to ­ day attend where a full Gospel is preached, and where they can obtain w ithout stin t or reserve the ‘Bread of Life’ and th e ‘W ater of L ife.’ T hither they are instinctively drawn, no t only by th e ir own cravings and need, h u t by the very Spirit of God H imself.” Laymen Are W aking Up Laymen are beginning to wake up and ask for a chance to exercise th eir own brains. A w riter to th e Methodist Recorder said recently: “ I am no t pre­ pared to accept th e doctrine th a t ‘the deciding of certain questions about the documents th a t are th e record of the his skill as a scientist. W here th e People Go

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