King's Business - 1923-07



ier condition would soon, prevail. P er­ m itting little children to go to parties protracted far into th e night, keeping no check on, but actually provoking by lavish generosity, indiscrim inate theatre-going; these are among some of th e n atu ra l reasons why childhood, surfeited w ith pleasure, and steeped in inform ation th a t should be deferred to m aturity, seeks an outlet in suicide. Banish God if you will, bu t be prepared for th e consequences. If such things are happening in the green wood, what is to be hoped for in the d ry ?” One Bishop is Not Ashamed A fter all th e publicity brought to the Episcopal church because of th e stand taken by Dr. Grant, it is refreshing to read th e following statem en t by Bis­ hop Manning: “We w ant all men to know th a t we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ w ith th e fullest and freest use of our m inds as well as of our hearts. We want all men to know th a t like Saint P aul we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, and th a t we accept its whole message. We w ant th e world to know th a t we believe in th e Chris­ tia n religion as a sup ern atu ral revela­ tion from God, th a t we believe in Jesus Christ, th e same yesterday, today and forever, and th a t am id all th e changes and speculations and passing opinions of men, this church will stand to bear

nouncements in our daily papers. How many people are sick and tired of read­ ing such announcements as th e follow­ ing: “The pastor will answer th e fol­ lowing questions: Do you th ink re­ vivals do any lasting good? Do you believe in prayers for the dead? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you believe in love a t first sight? I am poor. A rich man loves me, h u t I love another. W ill th e rich m an’s kindness help me to love him? Is it rig h t for a girl to speak to a boy to whom she has not been introduced?” H ere is Sound Wisdom We do not often quote from a Roman Catholic magazine, bu t here is some­ th ing from th e “New W orld,” one of th eir papers, th a t should make some P ro testan ts sit up and tak e notice. Re­ ferring to th e precocity in vice mani­ festing itself among th e very young, the editor says: “The first source of th is new poison is th e parents. Theirs is th e responsibility before God and man. Imagine supposedly sensible peo­ ple supplying a boy of fifteen w ith an automobile! How can a fath e r and mother be properly characterized in seeing th a t th e juvenile of fourteen has a dress-suit? If the courts were to take a little more cognizance of th e laxity of parents and punish them for the delinquency of th e ir children, a health­


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