King's Business - 1923-07



fo rth th e Holy Spirit.” The editor of th e Times made the following com­ ment: “ It is all very well for him to ta lk about academic freedom, bu t really th a t is not involved in his disagree­ m ent w ith th e tru stees of th e college. They are not trying to silence h im ; they simply say th a t he must do his teaching somewhere else th a n in a place where his ideas give g reat and justified of­ fense. W hat men who find themselves in th e position of Dr. Slaten should do is obvious. Instead of w aiting to be dismissed and th en protesting a t dism issal in th e name of academic free­ dom, they should depart voluntarily and betimes. There is room enough for them outside, and plenty of free­ dom to say what they choose.” “QUIT YOU LIKE MEN.” “ Quit you like men ” Life’s battle lies before you: W ill ye prove traito rs to your Prince above?

Will ye desert His standard floating o’er you— The bannered Cross of Jesu s’ dying love? “ Quit you like m en !” Heaven’s victor- voices call you, Oh, be ashamed of all your coward shame, Let not th e fear of men or fiend appall you; , They always win who fight in Jesu s’ name. THE CHILD AND THE CHURCH A child of ordinary capacity and des­ titu te of property, h u t converted to God in childhood, is frequently worth more to th e church th an ten wealthy men converted a t th e noon of life.— John Todd.

To All Who Will Secure King’s Business Subscriptions For 8 New Subscriptions Bible Beginners’ Course By Keith L. Brooks TART TO-DAY Special advantage to For 12 New Subscriptions Thru the Old or New Testaments by Books and Chapters By John H. Hunter or Personal Work By T. C. Horton or Book Study By W. H. Pike For 20 New Subscriptions Fundamental Doctrines of Christianity or Life and Teachings of Our Lord Both Courses By Dr. R. A. Torrey Persons receiving a Course in this manner will be entitled to all of the privileges offered by the Correspondence School, such as a certificate upor successful completion of a course, asking of questions, etc. Send for complete circular giving rules and details of courses. When required number of subscriptions are received send to Secretary of Correspondence School stating in which course you wish to be enrolled. Lesson papers with full instructions for study will be mailed at once. Address SECRETARY CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 South H ope S treet - - - Los Angeles, Calif. those anticipating enter­ ing a Bible School. Many Christian ' Workers re­ ceived their start thru a Correspondence Course.

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