King's Business - 1923-07

Here Are The Books

That You Have Been Waiting For And Every One Worthy

The Menace of Darwinism

By Willian Jennings Bryan A resume of, and an extract from, “IN HIS IMAGE,*’ Mr. Bryan’s epoch- making book against Darwinism. For use in class study, for distribution, etc. Paper binding. Net, 35c

Illustrative Object Lessons By Charlotte E. Gray

What Shall I Believe?

By Agustus H. Strong, D. D. A prim er of C h ristian Theology. "T he la st m essage of a g re a t teach er— one who devoted his life to th e exposition >f C hristian creed an d doctrines. A p o si­ tiv e an d co n stru ctiv e statem en t of w h at he him self found from th e w itness of his own h e art to be th e b e st confirm ation of S crip­ tu re teach in g ." $1.00

M iss G ray is alw ays interestin g , u n d er­ standable, an d careful to rem em ber th a t the w ork she p rep ares is really for th e juvenile perception an d intelligence. H er series contains nothing fanciful n o r fa n ta s­ tic. E verything rings w ith good, sound comm on sense, and is given a m oral and sp iritu al application of a clear-cu t c h a ra c ­ te r. $1.25

Bible Alphabets and Memory Work

Compiled by Alan S. Pearce Have you felt the need for definite Bible memory work in the various de­ partments of the Sunday-School and especially among the Juniors? This low- priced booklet has been prepared to meet that need. Most of the material is attractively arranged in the form of alphabetical drills. Included are drills on the books of the Bible, Bible characters, places, promises and praises, and Missionary and Second Coming Alphabets, Bible Arithmetic and a suggested Junior devotional program. The work is adapted to all ages, and may profitably be used in the home, in Bible classes or prayer meetings, in summer Bible schools of Christian day Schools, and as a superin­ tendent’s platform drill or in individual clas>s work in the Sunday-School. Paper, 25c

The Master Key

To Start the Day

By Frederick C. Spurr A Study in W orld Problem s.

By John Timothy Stone, D. D. A T hought. A V erse, A Song. A sim ple y et extrem ely helpful volum e of m editations an d devotions w ith w hich to s ta r t th e day, an d s ta rt it in th e rig h t way. Dr. Stone supplies a k ey -th o u g h t for every m orning in the year, w hich he su p ­ plem ents w ith a brief p assag e from God’s W ord, a n d a verse from a m ore o r less fam iliar hym n. $1.50

A fearless, clearly-reasoned restatem en t of the term s of th e C hristian Gospel and its relation to th e tra v a il th ro u g h w hich the w orld is passing. Mr. S p u rr is a m an in th e v an guard of religious thought, y et ju st as em phatically as an y th in k er of th e old school, he in sists on one Physician able to heal the w ounds an d w oes of hum anity. $1.35

If m on ey do es n o t accom pany ord er, goods wi ll be se n t C. O. D. , u n less oth erw ise speci fie d. If boo ks a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r p o stag e . BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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