King's Business - 1923-07

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 681 in th e ir classrooms? Why are th e papers so full of th e ir blasphemous u tte r­ ances against th e Christian faith? There is a screw loose somewhere in the argum ent of the learned Dr. Faunce. But now he caps th e climax. He outshines himself. He shows th e most magnanimous sp irit toward those who will still believe th e Bible. He says th a t wise men will not seek to exclude th e Fund am en talist from church fellowship bu t will ra th e r understand th a t he is sincerely wrong and hence on th e way to become rig h t— he needs not violent objurgation nor condescending pity, bu t simply continuous education— he is underm ining th e faith of thousands. Could anything be more beautiful th an th a t? Bless his heart! He would not have us thrown out of the church for believing in th e Bible as our all- sufficient guide, in th e Christ of God and His substitu tion ary atonement, and all these things— but would sweetly to lerate us, even though in our blindness we are "underm ining th e faith of thousands.” Thus we are brought to the absurd conclusion th a t th e defenders of "th e faith once delivered unto th e sain ts”— th e same kind of stanch defenders as were th e fathers who founded th is nation— are faith wreckers. And th ere isn’t a sign of a tw inkle in th e eye, or playful sm ile on th e face of Dr. F aunce in the photograph which accompanies th is article! B rethren, scholarship has spoken. Let all th e earth keep silence before it. —K. L. B. g*» a » THE EVANGELISM OF THE MODERNIST The Rev. C. H. Burdick, contributing to the Congregationalist, deplores th e fact th a t a t a Christian Endeavor convention held a t Tacoma, W ashington, th e leading speakers were all pronounced Fundam entalists, and literatu re em­ phasizing th e old orthodox views of th e Bible was carried on th e book tables. F u rth erm o re, he declares th a t it was very noticeable the way th e young people flocked to these speakers. He finds no fau lt w ith th e sp iritu al quality of th e addresses bu t th ink s it a pity th a t th e young people of th e churches are no t being won over to th e progressive way of thinking. Discussing th e question of w hat is to be done if these young folks are to be kept from th e Fundam entalists, Mr. Burdick makes some in teresting comments. " I t is well,” he says, “to give full credit to the opposition, for th e excellent characteristics they manifest. They are, in the first place, very much interested in the development of young people’s work in th e ir churches, and do not neglect th e expressional aspect of th is work. Secondly, these views are positive, con­ crete, and easily grasped by m inds of average intelligence. This is of the g reatest advantage psychologically, for the average mind, according to our educa­ tors, is of th e twelve-year-old grade, only a small percentage of people being predom inantly intellectual, or even slightly superior to th e average. Another consideration is th e fact th a t expressional activities are entered into w ith g reater zest by those of the emotional and volitional types which greatly predom inate over th e intellectual type of mind. This means th a t if our progressive th inkers are going to get anywhere w ith th e ir thoughts, they m u st be tran slated in term s of feeling and action, and these are the ruling characteristics of young people and of most adults.”

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