King's Business - 1923-07

New Books

On Subjects That You Are Interested In

The Gospel in the Ten Commandments By J. C. Massee, D. D.

A series of sermons delivered^ on Sunday evenings by the Pastor of Tre- mont Temple in his own pulpit. Dr. Massee does not regard the Decalogue as a mere code or standard of practice for the guidance of Israel under the Mosaic dispensation, but as a Divine pronouncement in which the principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ are inculcated and prefigured. This unusually fine series of sermons was heard with large appreciation and spiritual profit by overflowing congregations. $1.25

The Gospel of the Grace of God By Jo h n T . Copley A n excellent T ex t Book for S tudy C lasses in w hich all th e te x ts in th e New T es­ tam en t in relation to G race have been quoted in 128 p a ra g ra p h s of several verses each, very carefully classi­ fied an d a rran g ed in 22 C hapters, an d Com plete In­ dexes to all T exts, M argins and V arious T ran slatio n s in both V ersions. A v ery tim ely work on a m uch neglected subject. 46 pages. H eavy paper. 50c

Chalk Talks

What Has a Church a Right to Expect of its Minister? By V ernon E. Schontz Send an d get a copy of this fo r yourself a n d fo r ev­ ery m em ber of th e official board of y o u r church a n d a copy fo r y o u r p a sto r if you wish to quickly see rig h t re ­ lationships established b e­ tw een all d ep artm en ts of your church. P ap er, 15c

By F ran k M iller J u s t w h at w orkers w ith children have been looking for. Seven easily reproduced black b o ard illu stratio n s to> g ether w ith th e necessary C halk T alks for m aking them readily understood. Mr. M iller is an exceptionally successful evangelist am ong children. H e know s ju s t how to tell th e Gospel sto ry so th a t it will reach th e h eart of the child an d cause him to w an t to know an d accept Jesu s as Savior. P ap er, 25c The Layman’s Handbook of Daniel By D r. G. A. Briegleb

Suggestive Lessons on The Tabernacle

By M rs. A. L. D ennis T hese lessons unfold th e teach in g of th e Tabernacle in a .very sim ple, easily u nder­ stood w ay. A re a rran g ed for th o se who have never been able to u n d erstan d Old Testam ent typology. The foreshadow ing of C hrist is b ro u g h t o u t so clearly th a t th e o rdinary Bible read er can readily com pre­ hend its _ m eaning. P a sto rs an d Bible teachers will be especially glad to get th is book as th ese lessons a re presented in ju st the w ay you w ould w ant to give them to your class. Splendidly illu strated . P aper, 50c

M ost people th in k th a t D aniel is a very h ard book to u n d erstan d a n d consequently they do no t read it very often no r u n d er­ tak e to stu d y it. T his new L aym an’s H and­ book of D aniel is designed for ju s t such average Bible read ers and stu d en ts. C hap­ ter by ch ap ter the principal th in g s a re ta ­ ken up an d explained— briefly, clearly, sim ­ ply so th a t by the tim e you have finished th e stu d y of th e book you have a good und erstan d in g of all th e g reat v ita l te a ch ­ ings of th e prophecies of Daniel. P ap er, 50c; cloth, $1.00

God Our Contemporary

By John Henry Jowett, D. D. Every preacher will want at once this latest product of Dr. Jowett’s fertile mind. It consists of a series of full length sermons which are intended to show that only God as revealed to us in Jesus Christ can we find the resources to meet the needs of the human heart and the problems of a reconstructed cor­ porate life. $1.50 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% for postage. B10LA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. 781

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