King's Business - 1923-07

WK}) N o t a Candid Contest ? Mr. Bryan (in the Presbyterian) Suggests How Liberalist—Fun­ damentalist Controversy can be Shortened

Then let them apply th eir evolution­ ary hypothesis to the Bible step by step. We believe in th e m iracles as recorded in th e Old and New Testam ents; let them be candid and declare whether they believe in the m iracles— if not all, in which ones, and why they reject some and accept others. If they ac­ cept any miracles, let them reconcile th e m iracle w ith evolution and give us a ru le by which we can distinguish one recorded m iracle from another. If they do not believe in miracles, do they believe in th e virgin b irth of Christ, as we do? Some of them brush th is aside by saying th a t th e virgin b irth is not m aterial. The real ques­ tion is not w hether they regard it as m aterial, b u t w hether they regard the account of it in Matthew and Luke as true. If they reject th e virgin b irth , w hat is th e ir view as to th e b irth of Christ? Which, if any, of th e m iracles of Christ do they believe to have been performed? ■ Do they believe in Christ’s bodily resurrection as recorded in the Gospels, or do they say, as one au tho r (whose book is studied in some of th e theo­ logical sem inaries) th a t th e disciples believed in the resurrection, bu t th a t it is a mystery why they did. Recently a New York m inister is reported to have denied th e deity of Christ and th e virgin birth, claim ing th a t Jesus was entirely human. No issue can be settled until it is understood. In court, therefore, the first thing th a t is done is to define the issue. Is it fair for our adversaries to hide behind vague statem ents and denounce us as illiberal, w ithout spe­ cifically defining liberality as they un­ derstand it? This is a free country.

contest between the De- nders of th e F aith and the ^called L iberals ought to M B entirely fra n k and candid.

Both sides claim to be Christians, and they are .in duty bound to be candid w ith each other. Christ never avoided controversy, bu t his position was always frank ly stated, and he saw to it th a t th e position of th e opposition was also plainly stated. Evolution is th e root of discord, and those who present it as a sub stitu te for God’s Word have upon them th e burden of proof to establish th e ir position. If th e harmony of th e church is disturbed, the evolutionists are th e disturbers. The discussion will be sho rt if the evolutionists will frankly state what p arts of th e Bible they find it neces­ sary to elim inate in order to make God’s Word harmonize w ith m an’s views— “ th e modern view,” “ the scientific view,” “ advanced though t,” or th e “in ­ telligence of today”— we have all these phrases hurled down a t us constantly from those who not only feel bu t say th a t they are our m ental superiors. We believe in th e Mosaic account of m an’s creation— th a t man was made by separate act and is not a blood relation of any of th e b ru te creation. T h at is th e point of cleavage. The evolution­ ists declare th a t we are descended from th e lower animals; ought they not to be frank enough to adm it th a t they are, and to name th e animal which they regard as th e ir next of kin? If they are not w illing to identify themselves w ith any living species, they ought to be candid enough to tell us th a t they “ feel” th a t they have b ru te blood in them , although they cannot trace it to any p articu lar branch of the imaginary tree to which they cling.

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