King's Business - 1923-07

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


In the din of self-interest and m ater­ ialism , which so largely characterizes the sp irit of th e present age, it is to be feared th e re are b u t few who bear the accents of the voice of God. Yet to th a t devoted company of humble, in ­ quiring disciples who ta rry a t th e secret place for th e full disclosure of His deepest thought and will, th ere comes th e holy strain , as of an ancient hymn, the words, “Not yours, bu t you.”

as n atu rally as night follows day. Money which is not th u s dedicated has small purchasing power in the spiritual sphere, while no lim it may be placed on th e po tentiality of a life even mod­ erately .endowed b u t completely under the sway of th e Divine Spirit. I t is tru e th a t stew ardship of money involves one of th e most decisive tests of Christian character; b u t th e stew­ ardship of life is not alone th e most vital, it is th e all-inclusive test.



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Progressive Révélation

By John Maclnnis, D. D., Bible Institute of Los Angeles HARRY E. FOSDICK in his ¡cent book, “Christianity and rogress,” says: “Underneath 1 other problems which the

ultim ate issues are never left to chance. The Bible is quite clear on th is sub­ ject, and also strikingly unique. Bishop Gore in his book, “Belief in Christ,” says: “Thus it is. th a t Israel was the p aren t of w hat th e Italian philosopher Benedetto Groce proclaims to be the only tru e history, th e history which is also philosophy, which sees th e past as alive in the present and pressing on towards a goal, and consummation in th e future. . . Of th is conception of divine purpose runn ing th rough all things and destined to final effectiveness in spite of all failure and catastrophe, by th e way— for which th e rebellion of free spirits is responsible—a divine pu r­ pose w ith which it is man’s highest joy to co-operate— of th is infinitely fru itfu l belief in a divine purpose by progress the religion of Israel is th e ef­ fective source.” (Pages 13-14). To in te rp re t the Bible picture of the consummation of these age processes as “history catastrophically stopped in th e m idst of its course” is to tragically miss th e whole point of th e New Testa­ m ent story. I t is not th e story of “God breaking in on histo ry” b u t th e story of God through a new and forward action bringing to a consummation th e v ital

Christian Gospel forces is th e task of choosing w hat h er attitu d e shall be to­ ward th is new and powerful force, th e idea of progress, which in every realm is rem aking m an’s th ink ing .” A certain theory of progress may be comparatively new bu t th e idea of prog­ ress is certainly not new. The whole a ttitu d e and atmosphere of th e Bible and Christianity is th a t of development and progress. To miss th is is to fatally miss the key to th e in terp retation of the Bible and Christianity. The moment we open the Bible we are face to face w ith a dynamic movement which is a progressive becoming through th e cre­ ative activity, a divine and therefo re a dynamic personality. This conception dom inates th e th ink ing of the Book all th e way through to th e sublime clos­ ing, which is the most dynamic picture of consummating processes to be found anywhere in the lite ra tu re of th e world. The Bible world is centered in a liv­ ing personality. God made it, God sus­ tains its processes, and Jesus Christ is th e soul and goal of its movements. Its

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