King's Business - 1923-07

690 processes of history. It is God finishing what He has begun. I t is no t God vio­ lently destroying th e good, bu t God in a redeem ing purpose effectively making perm anent th e good and destroying the disintegrating influences of evil. As we m ight n atu ra lly expect, the story of the revelation of th is dynamic process is also progressive. There is nothing new about this. Standing as it does, unique in th e lite ra tu re of the world, it has always challenged though t­ ful students. When I was a mere boy I remember hearing Dr. A. T. Pierson say th a t one of the most helpful books he had in his lib rary was “The Progress of Doctrine in th e New T estam ent” by Bernard, and he urged every earnest stud en t of th e New Testament to get it and read it. The whole though t of th a t book th a t has been so potent in in­ fluencing th e th ink ing of many of our outstanding Bible teachers Is th a t of progressive revelation. The men who are now making so much of this “new idea” and alleging th a t those who differ from them in th e ir ideas of Christ and th e Bible hold and teach a doctrine of a static Christianity and revelation, must be unconsciously igno ran t of what men have been really thinking and teaching for years. The classic statem en t of the idea of .a progressive revelation is found in Hebrews 1:1-2: “ God, having of old tim e spoken unto th e fath ers in the prophets by divers portions and in di­ vers manners, h ath a t th e end of these days (i. e., consummation of th is pro­ cess) spoken unto us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things.” Here we have revelation presented as a pro­ gressive movement culm inating in Jesus Christ, who is the final word. A fter Him th ere is only a revealing of Trig things— a discovering of w hat H e is and w h at He means to life, th e world and th e ages. He has revealed th e m ind and will of God and th ere is no word for th e world beyond Him.

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S The trouble w ith much th a t we see and h ear about development and pro­ gressive revelation is th a t it seems to assume th a t if revelation was a progress, therefore it m ust be historic­ ally u n tru e and unreliable. God did not tell Moses all He had to reveal, th erefo re what Moses was told is not tru e or reliable. We have a fu ller reve­ lation in th e P rophets and In Christ, th erefo re what was known before is not true. T hat is a Hegelian fallacy which has vitiated much of recent th ink ­ ing on th e subject of progress and is like saying th a t th e acorn is not. tru e and cannot be depended upon because later it develops into an oak. The acorn is not th e whole story but it is th e story as far as it has been developed and is ju st as tru e and reliable as th e oak. The oak does not contradict th e acorn— it only declares its final m ean­ ings and possibilities. John does not contradict Moses bu t unveils the final meanings and matchless issues of the revelation made to Moses. The develop­ ment of th e Bible and Christianity, which afte r all is th e fund am en tal principle of progress in th e world and history, is not a changing which re­ sults from the experiments and blunders of men who are feeling th e ir way in the d ark and have to change because they were m istaken, bu t the changing th a t is th e n atu ra l resu lt of an unfold­ ing life and program th a t are in no way uncertain as to th e ir final issues. Chris­ tian ity and th e Bible are th e progress of a divine program , and men’s pro­ grams and activities are tru ly progres­ sive only as they are in line w ith and are th e expression of this divine pro­ gram . Much th a t is being w ritten and said in our day about a static religion and revelation is nothing bu t th e dust of a trag ic m isunderstanding or wilful ignorance on th e p art of men who ought to know better. The men who have experienced God in Christ and whose lives are fundamentally changed by th is

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