King's Business - 1923-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

experience cannot very well express ligion and revelation, and as a m atter themselves In the term s of a static re- of fact, they do not.



Evolution Opposed to Science and the Bible Notes of an Address given at Bible Institute by J. J. Sims 9 1

never claimed his theory was proven. In 1894 H erbert Spencer, th e g reatest apologist for evolution, said: “No sci­ entist of repute ever claimed th a t evo­ lution was science. It was an unproven hypothesis,” th a t is, a mere guess. Lord Kelvin, the g reatest scientist of the age, said: “ I marvel a t the undue haste w ith which teachers in our universities and preachers in th e ir pulpits, are re sta t­ ing th e tru th in term s of evolution, while evolution remains an unproven hypothesis in th e laboratories of sci­ ence.” Virchow, th e greatest world au tho rity on physiology, said: “Evolution is all nonsense. It can­ not be proven th a t man descended from an ape, or any other anim al.” Prof. Tyndal, Sir W illiam Dawson, in fact, th e leaders of science generally, eith er deny evolution altogether, or ad­ m it it is only an unproven supposition. And any professor, m inister, or teacher who pronounces evolution to be a sci­ entific fact, must know he is— in plain words— lying. Evolutionist Schools There are th ree schools of evolution­ ists; th e Theistic, Agnostic and Atheis­ tic. Prof. Drummond was th e great prophet of th e Theistic School. His book, “The Ascent of Man,” was pro­ nounced “ unscientific” by th e leading evolutionists. His biographer, Sir George Adam Smith, said: rag ‘The Ascent of Man’ is th e work

CIENCE is a system of knowl­ edge based on proven facts. There is no conflict between Science and Revelation. The

God of the Bible is th e God of Creation. All th e tru e discoveries of Science have only confirmed th e scientific accuracy of th e Bible account of creation. I t has been said th e Bible was not intended to teach Science. The first chapters of Genesis were d e a ry intend­ ed to give an account of the origin of th e earth , its fauna, and specially of man. Our Lord set His seal of ap­ proval upon th is account. If Science can produce facts to prove th a t Gen. 1 is not a tru e account of creation, the Lord’s claim th a t He is th e g reat “ I Am,” th e eternally existing God, would be manifested to be false, and Chris­ tian ity would be discredited as one of the most ghastly delusions men ever lived for, or died for. Evolution is n o t Science A professor recently addressed a m in­ isterial meeting on “ Evolution and the Church.” He commenced his address w ith the assumption th a t “Evolution f was science,” and acknowledged to be so by practically all the scientists of the world. W hat are the facts of th e case? Charles Darwin is th e F a th e r of mod­ ern Evolution. His “Origin of Species” w ith its “N atu ral Selection” is th e text book, th e very soul and life of evolu­ tion, and now practically all th e lead­ ing scientists proclaim, “Darwinism is dead.” H The keyword of "O rigin of Species” * is “We may well suppose." Darwin

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