King's Business - 1923-07

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


preachers claimed th a t th e develpoment of th e potato into so many varieties was a proof of evolution. But th a t is development, not evolution. The potato remains a potato. It does not evolute into a tu rn ip or a cow. “A fter its K ind” From a scientific standpoint Gen. 1 holds th e field. "A fter its kind,” is th e law of development and growth in nature. Evolution from one species to ano th er is both unscriptural and un­ scientific. (The appeal of th e evolutionist to Biology, Embryology, Paleontology and Geology u tterly fails. The fact th a t scientific evolutionists all agree th a t evolution is unproven, is an acknowl­ edgement of this. The evolutionist seeks to build up proof from Paleontology (th e science of fossils) by tak ing a tooth or a few bones and constructing the missing link. Fossils of man an tedating th e six days of Gen. 1 have never been found. The evolutionist’s proof from Geol­ ogy depended on th e onion coat theory, th a t th e stra ta of the earth lay in a certain regu lar order, like th e coats of an onion. Prof. G. M. Price, of Pacific Union College, California, has shown th ere are thousands of square miles in which th e stra ta lie in ju st the re­ verse order. His book “ Q. E. D.” is un­ answerable. The bubble of evolution is burst, let whoever will blow it again. Mr. Evolutionist, do you not th ink it is tim e for you to wake up from your “ Rip Van W inkle” sleep? You are be­ hind th e times. Follow Prof. Drum­ mond’s example and leave “th e uncer­ tain ties” for th e absolute certainties of th e Word of God. Evolution is opposed to Christianity. 1. It dethrones Christ; robs Him of His Deity and makes Him a false witness. John Burroughs w riting in “A tlantic Monthly,” October 1921, says: “ Christianity is a whining, simpering, sentim ental religion.”

progress has not one particle of proof. The link is always missing. There are two g reat facts of science th a t relegate evolution to th e dust heap of exploded theories. 1; ' “Life must proceed from life.” 2. One species cannot be tran sm u t­ ed into ano ther species. Lord Kelvin said to his students: “No artificial process whatever could make living m a tte r out of dead.” This is confirmed by all th e leading scient­ ists of th e world. Prof. Wm. Bateson, the g reatest liv­ ing biologist, threw a bombshell into th e evolutionists’ camp in Toronto in 1921, when he stated th ere was not a single shred of evidence in biology for the theory of evolution. T rue science says,. “T ransm utation of species is impossible.” 1P lan ts and ani­ mals of th e same genera may be crossed, but a hybrid is always th e result. The horse and ass produce the mule, but the mule cannot reproduce itself. The stubborn mule stands in the way, and kicks th e evolution gas bag into sm ith­ ereens. Therefore all th is graded succession from plants, rep tiles and mammals to man is delusion. Evolution is in real­ ity Devil Delusion. Huxley said: “One verdict, not proven, and un- proveable, must be recorded against all grand hypotheses respecting the general succession of life on th e globe.” Evolution is dead, and any m inister or professor who says evolution is a scientific fact, is either ignorant or dis­ honest. Grow th and Development n o t Evolution A favorite illu stration of these un­ scientific teachers of evolution is th e growth of a grain of corn into the blade and full ear. But th a t is growth. The corn of wheat produces corns of wheat. The hen ’s egg grows into a hen, not a turkey. Growth is no t evolu­ tion. Another of these unscientific

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