King's Business - 1923-07

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


pointed unto men once to die, afte r th is th e judgm ent.” The one is as sure as th e other. When a Christian tries to broaden out to such newer understandings of th e universe he denies th e sufficiency of revealed tru th , his “ faith stands In the wisdom of men” ra th e r th a n the power of God and God is relegated to the misty, groping past as th e “G reat F irst Cause,” which in Huxley’s words “ is unknown and unknowable.” Thus science and th e blackest paganism grope in darkness, feeling afte r God, if haply they may find Him. There is no union between ligh t and darkness; th e re is no m iddle ground, no fence to straddle. There is only th e Word of God and th e word of man. There is b u t one Rock of Ages towering high above th e sw irling m ists of speculation. Stand on it or jump off, it stands forever. “Heaven and ea rth shall pass away b u t My words shall not pass away.” Critics’ hammers have tested God’s Book 2000 years and today still search in vain for a flaw: “H is work is per­ fect.” a so-called m inister arose, who had been co-operating w ith a Jew atto rn ey in seeking to protect “F a tty ” Arbuckle from th e indignant protest of th e pub­ lic. T h at Jew atto rney was his com­ panion in th e Council chamber and seemed much amused when he referred to the mother of Jesus in a contempt­ ible, scurrilous and insinuating manner. This editor confesses th a t he has a very decided dislike for th e Jew ish opinion as to th e origin of Jesus, w hether th a t opinion be expressed by a Jew ish Rabbi or a modernist who has joined himself to the Jewish position. It seems to be a clear-cut case of “ birds of a feath er.” The above is from Bob Shuler’s Mag­ azine. Now read the appeal of another

change.” Thales of Miletus, “ fath er of Greek philosophy,” announced th a t w ater was th e source of all things; la ter Ananimenes proposed air as th e universal first principle. Professor Huxley declared protoplasm to be th e “ origin of all life” and th a t th e ocean’s bed was covered w ith th is original spinoza-like m atter. ( It la te r was found to be a precipitated sulphate; not even organic.) In every case th e men who gave the modern evolutionary theory its shape and impetus were no t believers in a C reator God and most certainly not believers in revealed religion. Darwin was an unbeliever, Spencer a skeptic, Huxley an agnostic, and Haeckel a monist. Today evolution is supported by a motley crowd of ath eists and theists, skeptics, agnostics, pantheists, n atu ralists, spiritists, Buddhists, fatal­ ists and until recently th e m ilitarists of Germany. In fact any religion or individual who wishes to remove far from his conscience th e presence of a ju st God, receives th is philosophy w ith open arms. This distancing of God is like answering a question by running away from th e questioner. “ I t is ap­ PLEASING THE JEWS Rabbi Tarshish, of Columbus, Ohio, in placing his approval upon New York’s heretical Episcopalian rector, says his denial of th e deity of Jesu s Christ is like “ a b reath of new atmosphere in extreme contrast to th e stagnation and conservatism of th e p ast.” It must be refreshing to th e Episcopal Church to thu s have the approval of a Jewish rabbi of th e denial of th e deity of our Lord by one of her most prom inent clergymen. One of my boyhood recol­ lections is to have heard a Jew m erchant refer to Jesus Christ as a “bastard ,” and I confess th a t I could h ard ly keep my fingers from his th ro at. Recently, before th e City Council of Los Angeles,

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