King's Business - 1923-07

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S prom inent Jew who has a different view­ point from th a t of Rabbi Tarshish. "My brothers, do not for God’s sake give to my Jewish countrymen a w ater­ ed-down Christ. We no not w ant th at. They can believe in a watered-down Christ w ithout becoming Christians. And it is possible th a t th ere are Jews who today believe to a certain extent in the Lord Jesus Christ, b u t do not accept Him as th e Divine Son of God. Surely th a t is no t th e Christ you w ant to give to th e Jews? You w ant to give them th e Christ Who is th e incar­ n ate Son of God, th e Christ Who really died, Who really rose again; th e Christ Who made nq m istakes; the Christ Who knew a little more th an th e H igher Critics do today; th e Christ Who still lives, and Who is w ith His church to ­ day, ready to stand by her, and finding th a t all power has been given unto Him in heaven and earth. Therefore, let us go forward on th a t principle, let us do all we can for the extension of th e Re­ deemer’s kingdom, finding th a t by His power and glory we shall some day be w orthy to see Him crowned K ing of kings and Lord of lords. The above plea was made by Samuel Schor of London, a well-known con­ verted Jew. | | | | PRAYER AND RADIO Howard W. Pope The radio is a wonderful thing To broadcast news, and preach, play, or sing. But one more wonderful still is prayer, Which circles th e globe, touching- here and there. It mentions by name a num ’rous throng, And others in thought, as it skims along O’er mountains and valleys, by day or night, Recalling man’s need, and also God’s might.

699 P ray er flies to the Ruhr, stopping a t Lorraine, And on to China, and back again; To help sick soldiers who may be worse, R estrain a sailor who has learned to curse. It crosses th e Rockies, and stops on th e plain, To help a widow who suffers g reat pain; It flies to Frisco, invoking God’s grace', On women who work w ith th e Spanish race. P ray er sweeps th e world, like th e Mas­ te r ’s mind, Invoking God’s blessing on all man­ kind; It groups men in classes and thu s suc­ ceeds, Commending to God th e ir special needs; It prays for all pastors and churches too, That they may efllciently God’s work do; It prays for th e press of th is and all lands, That it may be wholesome, as God com­ mands. It asks th a t those who may draw a will, Recall th a t Christ has urgent needs still; Bequeath to missions which preach God’s Word Large gifts till th e Gospel by all is heard. It combs th e earth, selecting those Whose work is such, th a t th e ir influence goes To th e ends of th e earth , in effort to make This world like Heaven for Jesu s’ sake. ______ife CHEER THE MISSIONARIES Let them have the “K. B.” by helping our Missionary K. B. Fund.

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